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Mathieu Rampant edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 13 revisions


NIST would like to thank the creators and maintainers of the packages listed below for their excellent contributions to the open source community. NEMO uses all of these packages, and we try to stay up to date with recent versions for NEMO's dependencies.

Latest stable NEMO version:

Required dependencies

Name Language Version in use for NEMO Current version Source
Python C 3.6.5 Direct download
cryptography Python 3.4.7 pip
Django Python 2.2.24 pip
django-filter Python 2.4.0 pip
drf-flex-fields Python 0.9.1 pip
djangorestframework Python 3.12.4 pip
ldap3 Python 2.9 pip
python-dateutil Python 2.8.1 pip
requests Python 2.25.1 pip
Pillow Python 8.2.0 pip
django-mptt Python 0.12.0 pip
Bootstrap JavaScript 3.3.4 GitHub
DateTimePicker JavaScript 4.17.43 GitHub
FullCalendar JavaScript 2.7.3 GitHub
PickADate JavaScript 3.5.6 GitHub
jQuery JavaScript 2.1.3 GitHub
Moment JavaScript 2.10.2 GitHub
TypeAhead JavaScript 0.10.5 GitHub

Planned transitions

Migrating from Bootstrap 3 to 4 will be a major dependency transition. DateTimePicker will have to be upgraded at the same time. DateTimePicker has been rebranded as Tempus Dominus. It is currently in alpha release (as of May 2018), and we'll likely need to wait for a stable release before integrating it.

Twitter TypeAhead has not been updated for a long time (more than 3 years). Consider using the alternative: Algolia, or another package?

Optional dependencies

Name Language Current version Source
cx_Oracle Python pip
django-debug-toolbar Python pip
gunicorn Python pip
Nginx C 1.21.0 as of July 2021 Direct download
OpenSSL C 1.1.1 as of July 2021 Direct download


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For example:
With the Django package on PyPI, use
With the NEMO package on GitHub, use