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Deployment considerations

Mathieu Rampant edited this page May 30, 2024 · 8 revisions

What you will need

NEMO is a standard Django/Python web application. The following components are required for a production NEMO deployment:

  • Docker
  • TLS certificate for encrypted communication
  • An external authentication server (usually LDAP or Kerberos) for NEMO to authenticate users against
    • A Kerberos keytab and service account if you choose to authenticate with Kerberos
  • A database to suit your organization's expected usage load of NEMO
    • SQLite will suffice for most organizations
    • PostgreSQL is recommended for larger organizations with hundreds of concurrent users

Recommended infrastructure

These components are recommended for NEMO to work well:

  • A dedicated computer or virtual machine to run NEMO
  • Docker on any operating system
  • DNS name to point to the web server (such as
  • Nginx - static content server and reverse proxy, chosen for its ease of customization and minimal dependencies