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CodeQL Python Testing


python package to generate shell-completion for your CLI


PyPI - Version

pip3 install shell-complete



pip3 install shell-complete

Testing if everything works

To test if the package was installed successfully

$ eval "$(shell-complete shell_complete.__main__:parser)"  # via CLI
$ eval "$(shell-complete --completion)"  # via ShellCompleteAction
$ shell-complete <tab><tab>
--completion  --help        --root        --version
$ shell-complete --root <tab><tab>
dir/ .git/ .venv/  # example. this part will look different on your machine

or pipe it into a file and source that

$ shell-complete --completion > ./shell-complete.completion.bash
$ source ./shell-complete.completion.bash


Either import and use the generate(parser: ArgumentParser) function directly or add the ShellCompleteAction to your argparse.

import pathlib
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from shell_complete import ShellCompleteAction, types, associate

parser = ArgumentParser(prog="myprog")
# creates the --completion argument that's similar to --help or --version
# --completion print : prints the script for the user to handle it himself or use with eval
# --completion install : creates script in ~/.bash_completion.d/ and `source <script>` in ~/.bashrc
# --completion uninstall : removes script in ~/.bash_completion.d/ and `source <script>` in ~/.bashrc
parser.add_argument('--completion', action=ShellCompleteAction,
                    help="Generate a bash-completion-script")

# add custom type converter that can still auto-complete
def dirtype(value: str) -> pathlib.Path:
    return pathlib.Path(value)

# smart autocompletion
parser.add_argument('--dest', type=dirtype)  # the custom type
parser.add_argument('--source', type=types.file)  # or the builtins
parser.add_argument('--bind', type=types.ip_address)
parser.add_argument('--database', type=types.known_hosts)

# subparsers are also supported
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
subcommand = subparsers.add_parser("sub")
# Completion is only suggested after typing `myprog sub`
subcommand.add_argument('--hidden', types=types.ip_address)

You can also execute the module itself

python3 -m shell_complete [--root ROOT] parser

Or run the console-script

shell-complete [--root ROOT] parser

Support completion types

Basic completion types can be imported via

from shell_complete import types
from shell_complete.argparse import types  # both are the same
type info
types.path any type of path (file and directories)
types.file completion for files completion for directories
types.mac_address mac addresses
types.ip_address ip addresses
types.ipv4_address ipv4 addresses
types.ipv6_address ipv6 addresses
types.network_interface names of network interfaces
types.inet_services names of inet services
types.uid available user id's
types.gid available group id's
types.service available systemctl services
types.user_group user:group pair
types.user_at_host user@host pair
types.known_hosts name of known hosts