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Content Step Styling

Martin Konopka edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 4 revisions

Selected timeline steps may be styled by altering colors or font size. Use these properties in session step definition:

  • foreground : Color - defines color of texts in the stimuli content.
    • default value: "white"
  • background : Color - defines color of the stimuli background.
    • default value: "black"
  • fontSize : number - size of the font in texts.
    • default value: 24
  • showCursor : bool (nullable) - if set to false the cursor will be hidden. Steps that require user's interactions ignore this setting, e.g., Questionary, Eye Tracker Calibration. If ommitted (or null value is passed), default settings for the step is used.


Color is defined with an RGB string or with name. Supported formats:

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