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Instructions Step

Martin Konopka edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 11 revisions

Display textual instructions to the participant. Instructions are displayed at the center of the screen. This step may be completed using hotkey or timeout (from StepCompletionSettings object), or by showing Continue button in the bottom right corner of the screen, which the user may click on to advance to next step in the timeline.


  • actionType : "Instructions" (required)
  • title : string (optional) - heading displayed in the top left corner of the screen.
  • instructions : Text - text displayed in the center of the screen. Value in this field can be either a single string value or array of strings, which will be concanetad with new line character.
  • showContinue : boolean (optional) - specifies whether the Continue button should be displayed to allow participant to close instructions and advance to next step in the timeline.
    • default value: false - use StepCompletionSettings if default value is used, otherwise, the participant won't be able to continue.
  • continueButtonLabel : string (optional) - text content of the continue button, default is Continue.

Instructions step is a content step, it can be configured with additional settings common for all content steps. See Content Step styling for details.


  • resultType : "Successful"


Show instructions for the next stimulus and Continue button to leave instructions.

    "action": {
        "actionType": "Instructions",
        "instructions": "Find a red circle in the mix of objects on the next slide.",
        "showContinue": true

By default, style of instructions step may be altered, for example:

  • Foreground (text) color: black
  • Background color: white
  • Font size: 30
  • Hide mouse cursor
    "action": {
        "actionType": "Instructions",
        "instructions": [
            "Find a red circle in mix of objects on the next slide.",
            "Press F10 to continue."
        "showContinue": false,
        "foreground": "black",
        "background": "white",
        "fontsize": 30,
        "showCursor": false
    "completion": {
        "hotkeys": [ "F10" ]
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