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Keyboard Events

martinkonopka edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 9 revisions

Code: KB

Keyboard events are recorded using the Windows API hook. This data source should not be used if participants type their private information during the recording.

Recording data

Each keyboard event may represent key press, pushing the key down, or releasing the key to go up.

  • Timestamp : DateTime - Timestamp when the event was recorded.
  • EventType : KeyboardEventType - one of the following values:
    • "KeyPress"
    • "KeyDown"
    • "KeyUp"
  • Alt : boolean - if Alt was held down during the event.
  • Control : boolean - if Ctrl was held down during the event.
  • KeyCode : Key
  • KeyData : Key
  • Modifiers : Key
  • Shift : boolean - if Shift was held down during the event.
  • KeyChar : char

For reference, see KeyboardEventData class definition in the project's repository.

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