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Mouse Events

martinkonopka edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 8 revisions

Code: ME

Mouse events are recorded with the Windows API hook.

Recording data

Each mouse event represents move, button event, or wheel scroll.

  • Timestamp : DateTime - Timestamp when the event was recorded.
  • EventType : MouseEventType, one of the following values:
    • "Move"
    • "Click"
    • "ButtonUp"
    • "ButtonDown"
    • "DoubleClick"
    • "Wheel"
    • "DragStart"
    • "DragFinish"
  • Button : MouseButton, one of the following values:
    • "None"
    • "Left"
    • "Right"
    • "Middle"
    • "XButton1"
    • "XButton2"
  • Delta : int - vertical scroll change, if the wheel was moved.
  • X : int - horizontal position of the cursor in pixels.
  • Y : int - vertical position of the cursor in pixels

For reference, see MouseEventData class definition in the project's repository.

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