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Vladimir Almaev edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 3 revisions

#Deploy ##Description Deploys code on organization with following options:

  • run Apex unit tests with support of test class wildcards (via batchTest nested element)
  • run Apex unit tests for specific test classes (via runTest nested element)
    • case with simultaneous usage of batchTest and runTest also supported
  • generate reports in following formats
    • JUnit
    • Cobertura
    • HTML Coverage

It also provides integration with TeamCity build server:

  • task automatically detects that it executed during TeamCity build
  • it provides statistics about tests and coverage via Service Messages

AntForce' Deploy task (see DeployWithTestReports class) inherits from Deploy task that comes with Migration Tool. It means that all the parameters and nested elements from DeployTask available to use and have same meaning and behaviour (unless other specified).


Attribute Description Type Required Default
enforceCoverageForAllClasses When set to true, task will enforce precise code coverage calculation. Boolean no false

TODO: differences from Migration Tool for testLevel ##Nested elements ###batchTest ###junitReport ###coberturaReport ###htmlCoverageReport

##Examples TODO:

  • wildcards with/without runTest
  • all reports
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