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LeetCode Algorithm

My solved problems from LeetCode

List of solved easy level problems EASY
# Title Solution Date Runtime Memory
1 Two Sum C# 22-02-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
9 Palindrome Number C# 22-02-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
13 Roman to Integer C# 1 , C# 2 28-02-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
14 Longest Common Prefix C# 02-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C# 25-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
27 Remove Element C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
28 Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String C# 25-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
35 Search Insert Position C# 27-08-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
112 Path Sum C# 15-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
125 Valid Palindrome C# 1 , C# 2 13-09-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
136 Single Number C# 26-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
169 Majority Element C# 17-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
205 Isomorphic Strings C# 01-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
217 Contains Duplicate C# 18-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
225 Implement Stack using Queues C# 28-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
242 Valid Anagram C# 19-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
258 Add Digits C# 29-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
268 Missing Number C# , C# 2 27-08-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
283 Move Zeroes C# 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
290 Word Pattern C# 21-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
326 Power of Three C# 04-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
344 Reverse String C# 07-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
349 Intersection of Two Arrays C# 23-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
387 First Unique Character in a String C# 1 , C# 2 12-09-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
412 Fizz Buzz C# 1 , C# 2 12-09-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
414 Third Maximum Number C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
461 Hamming Distance C# 04-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
507 Perfect Number C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
557 Reverse Words in a String III C# 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
594 Longest Harmonious Subsequence C# 06-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
606 Sales Person SQL 04-03-2023 🌌 –
637 Average of Levels in Binary Tree C# 04-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
643 Maximum Average Subarray I C# 1 , C# 2 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
657 Robot Return to Origin C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
704 Binary Search C# 27-08-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
709 To Lower Case C# 30-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
724 Find Pivot Index C# 10-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
796 Rotate String C# 05-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
832 Flipping an Image C# 13-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
896 Monotonic Array C# 24-02-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
905 Sort Array By Parity C#, C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
917 Reverse Only Letters C# 09-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
925 Long Pressed Name C# 24-02-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
929 Unique Email Addresses C# 03-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
976 Largest Perimeter Triangle C# 06-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
977 Squares of a Sorted Array C# , C# 2 13-09-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
989 Add to Array-Form of Integer C# 04-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
993 Cousins in Binary Tree C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
997 Find the Town Judge C# 07-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String C# 16-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1089 Duplicate Zeros C# 30-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1103 Distribute Candies to People C# 1 , C# 2 06-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1122 Relative Sort Array C# 04-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1133 Largest Unique Number C# 15-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1189 Maximum Number of Balloons C# 15-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1207 Unique Number of Occurrences C# 31-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1295 Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1309 Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping C# 05-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1360 Number of Days Between Two Dates C# 06-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1365 How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number C# 30-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1408 String Matching in an Array C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1413 Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum C# 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1417 Reformat The String C# 16-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1422 Maximum Score After Splitting a String C# 05-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1426 Counting Elements C# 11-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1480 Running Sum of 1d Array C# 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1496 Path Crossing C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1502 Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence C# 06-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1512 Number of Good Pairs C# 02-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1539 Kth Missing Positive Number C# 06-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1544 Make The String Great C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1576 Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters C# 31-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1662 Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1668 Maximum Repeating Substring C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1700 Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch C# 06-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1725 Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square C# 31-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1732 Find the Highest Altitude C# 10-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1748 Sum of Unique Elements C# 06-05-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1791 Find Center of Star Graph C# 03-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1812 Determine Color of a Chessboard Square C# 30-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1832 Check if the Sentence Is Pangram C# 11-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1886 Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By Rotation C# 30-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1893 Check if All the Integers in a Range Are Covered C# 20-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1903 Largest Odd Number in String C# 16-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1909 Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing C#, C# Better 03-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1941 Check if All Characters Have Equal Number of Occurrences C# 11-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1974 Minimum Time to Type Word Using Special Typewriter C# 04-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1979 Find Greatest Common Divisor of Array C# 23-02-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1991 Find the Middle Index in Array C# 10-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2000 Reverse Prefix of Word C# 04-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2022 Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2042 Check if Numbers Are Ascending in a Sentence C# 06-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2057 Smallest Index With Equal Value C# 03-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2114 Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences C# 05-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2119 A Number After a Double Reversal C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2124 Check if All A's Appears Before All B's C# 23-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2129 Capitalize the Title C# 06-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2144 Minimum Cost of Buying Candies With Discount C# 25-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2154 Keep Multiplying Found Values by Two C# 01-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2224 Minimum Number of Operations to Convert Time C# 28-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2248 Intersection of Multiple Arrays C# 11-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2335 Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups C# 16-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2351 First Letter to Appear Twicee C# 1 , C# 2 07-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2404 Most Frequent Even Element C# 1 , C# 2 06-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2413 Smallest Even Multiple C# 05-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2451 Odd String Difference C# 24-02-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2455 Average Value of Even Numbers That Are Divisible by Three C# 23-03-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2485 Find the Pivot Integer C# 07-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2544 Alternating Digit Sum C# 06-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2574 Left and Right Sum Differences C# 22-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2605 Form Smallest Number From Two Digit Arrays C# 1 , C# 2 12-09-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
List of solved medium level problems MEDIUM
# Title Solution Date Runtime Memory
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C# 12-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
7 Reverse Integer C# 14-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
49 Group Anagrams C# 14-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
74 Search a 2D Matrix C# 27-08-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum C# 09-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
560 Subarray Sum Equals K C# 11-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
713 Subarray Product Less Than K C# 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1004 Max Consecutive Ones III C# 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1208 Get Equal Substrings Within Budget C# 09-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1248 Count Number of Nice Subarrays C# 14-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
1456 Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length C# 09-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2225 Find Players With Zero or One Losses C# 14-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2260 Minimum Consecutive Cards to Pick Up C# 15-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2270 Number of Ways to Split Array C# 08-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
2300 Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions C# 27-08-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„
List of solved hard level problems HARD
# Title Solution Date Runtime Memory
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays C# 13-04-2023 🌌 πŸŒ„


C# Solutions for Leetcode






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