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GitBit Slack Bot

The story of GitBit (Slack) bot

We at Braintree/PayPal have tradition of having every alternate Fridays as Developer Days. This day (one of the most exciting day of the sprint for me) is like a mini hack day. You can spent time learning something new/reading/coding something new. One of the Dev Days I deecided to write my first ever Bot (Slack Bot). And here it is !!

What is GitBit Slack Bot or What does it do ?

GitBit Slack Bot is a Bot for Slack teams that they can configure and quickly have a look at open pull requests in their configured repositories.

Setup Instructions

  1. Fork this project.

  2. Open up your favorite terminal app, and clone your new repository to your local computer.

  3. This is a Node.js project, so you’ll need to install the various dependencies by running: npm install to get all the node_modules

  4. Update Organization/Repositories/StackOverflow Details in config.json.

  5. Add a bot Integration to your slack channel at https://{{$slack_channel}}

  6. From the terminal you can run your bot easily:

    TOKEN=xoxb-your-token-here npm start

(Copy token from Integration Settings >> API Token) 7. Once started Go to slack and find a new bot user "gitbit" added 8. Start talking to Bot via commands like : pr all -- Display all open Pull requests in all The Github Repos configured in config.json pr {$repo1_key} -- Display all open Pull requests in the Github Repos {$repo1_name} configured for {$repo1_key} configured in config.json

e.g. config.json

    "version": "1.3",
    "github_pull_requests": {
        "api_type": "corporate",
        "api_url": "https://github.{{corporate}}.com/api/v3/",
        "auth_token": "{{auth_token}}",
        "repo_org": "{{repo_org}}",
        "max_page_count": "25",
        "disable_zero_pr_repo": "true",
        "repos": {
            "teams": [{
                "custom-team-name": [
            }, {
                "another-custom-team-name": [
    "github_issues": {
        "api_type": "public",
        "api_url": "",
        "auth_token": "{{auth_token}}",
        "labels": ["{{label_1}}"],
        "issue_state": "all",
        "organizations": [{
            "{{organization_name}}": [
    "stackoverflow": {
        "api_key": "{{api_key}}",
        "api_url": "",
        "order": "desc",
        "sort": "activity",
        "tag": "{{tag}}",
        "intitle": "{{intitle}}",
        "site": "stackoverflow"

disable_zero_pr_repo to disable showing Repos with Zero PR's max_page_count to set max result count. At present Github supports max=100 which may kill Slack RTM Api in certain instances. Also only initial page support is added as of now.

You may read more about config.json parameter @ schema.json


  • 1.7: Added Change log capability.
  • 1.6: Added Rally Integration for a user.
  • 1.5: Added Corp API profile Integration for a user.
  • 1.4: Added JIRA Integration for a user.
  • 1.3: Added Stackoverflow Integration for selected tags.
  • 1.2: Added Github Issues Integration for selected labels on selected repos.
  • 1.1: Added Github custom Integration for selected repos.
  • 1.0: Added Github to get a list of open Pull Requests.


Configurable Slack button coming soon @

Support/Request new features

For Support / Requesting new features -- create an issue at


Slack bot for Github/JIRA/Stackoverflow







No releases published
