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My Snake Game

A classic Snake game implemented in JavaScript, providing a nostalgic trip with a modern twist. Use your keyboard or on-screen arrows to control the snake, and compete for high scores! Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 16 56 02 Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 16 56 05

Game Instructions

  • Movement: Use the arrow keys , , , to control the snake's direction. For mobile or touch devices, use the on-screen arrows.
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 16 56 43
  • Start Game: Press the spacebar or use the Start button to begin the game.
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 16 57 07
  • View Scores: Click on "See scores" to check the latest 10 scores displayed on the top right corner of the game screen.
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 16 57 23
  • Scores: High scores and the current score are displayed on the top left corner during gameplay.
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 16 57 37

Getting Started

To set up the game for development or build it for production, you'll need to have Node.js installed. Then, follow these instructions:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:vianch/my-snake-game.git
cd my-snake-game
  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install
  1. To start the development server:
yarn run start:dev
  1. To build for production:
yarn run build

Development Scripts

  • build: Bundles the application and minifies JavaScript, CSS, and HTML for production.
  • build:prod: Bundles and minifies JavaScript for production with browser-specific targets.
  • build:dev: Development build that watches for changes.
  • dev: Starts the development server with live reloading.
  • init: Cleans any previous builds and reinstalls dependencies before a fresh build.
  • lint:style: Runs StyleLint with autocorrection when possible.
  • lint:formatting: Runs Prettier to format the code.
  • lint: Runs both linting scripts for styles and formatting.
  • minify:html: Minifies the HTML file for production.
  • minify:css: Minifies the CSS file for production.
  • start: Runs the default setup script.
  • start:dev: Starts the development server with source maps and live reloading.

Note: To execute any of these scripts, use yarn run <script-name> replacing <script-name> with the desired script.


Below is a list of development and production dependencies for this project:

Development Dependencies

  • esbuild: A fast bundler and minifier.
  • eslint: Pluggable JavaScript linter.
  • eslint-config-airbnb-base, eslint-config-prettier: ESLint configurations for coding standards and to disable style rules that conflict with Prettier.
  • eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-prettier: ESLint plugins for managing imports and integrating Prettier.
  • clean-css-cli: Command-line interface for minifying CSS files.
  • html-minifier: Minifies HTML files.
  • husky: A tool for using git hooks.
  • prettier: Code formatter.

Production Dependencies

  • @supabase/supabase-js: JavaScript client for interacting with Supabase APIs.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.