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Features and Capabilities Summary

vintagepc edited this page Feb 26, 2021 · 5 revisions

This is a list of features and functionality present in MK404:

Hardware Simulation Features

Name Description Status
A4982 MiniRambo Stepper driver ✔️ Works
ADC_Buttons MMU buttons ✔️ Works
Beeper Simulated buzzer ✔️ Works - with mute option.
Button Used as simulated Power Panic ✔️ Works
EEPROM AVR persistent storage ✔️ Works
Fan Simulated fan component ✔️ Works - with tachometer feedback
GCodeSniffer Used to detect MMU toolchange T-codes ✔️ Works
GLHelper Used to snapshot visuals for automated tests ✔️ Works
HC595 MMU shift register for LEDS/stepper control pins ✔️ Works
HD44780GL GL variant of the display module ✔️ Works, with brightness support.
Heater Simulated heater cartridge ✔️ Works, feeds back temperature to thermistors.
IRSensor IR-based MKxS sensor ✔️ Works - v0.3 and 0.4 as well as disconnected/shorted states.
LED Generic indicator for UI ✔️ Works
MMU1 MK2 MMU/E stepper mux ✔️ Works - controls 4 steppers as directed.
MMU2 MMU2 ✔️ Works - complete Atmega32u4 simulated with attached hardware.
PAT9125 MKx filament sensor ✔️⚠️ Works - but behaviour could be more detailed.
PINDA Z-endstop sensor ✔️ Works, with XYZ calibration built in. ⚠️ No temperature behaviour/offsets, but has thermistor readout.
RotaryEncoder Input knob ✔️ Works
SDCard Simulated SD card ✔️ Works
SerialLineMonitor Used for automated testing and serial I/O ✔️ Works
Thermistor Assorted temperature inputs ✔️ Works ⚠️ Bed/PINDA read higher than expected over 40C due to code in the official firmware (prusa3d#2601)
TMC2130 Einsy RAMBO stepper driver ✔️ Works ⚠️ Not all registers/features implemented, many are transparent to the simulator.
uart_pty Serial I/O for external connections (e.g. flashing, pronterface) ✔️ Works
VoltageSrc Simulated voltage readbacks for power rails ✔️ Works
w25x20cl SPI flash chip for language storage on Einsy ✔️ Works (-f will auto-load language data if found in the .hex)

General features and status

  • The simulator can complete a self test!

  • Fancy graphics, either in full, Bear mod, or minimal mode:

  • Bootloader works

  • SPI flash for language support works, but because PTYs lack DTR it must be done either in two stages, or using the example script to trigger a reset at the right time.

  • Flash/eeprom is persisted between reboots.

  • Virtual MMU2 support:

  • The MMU supports multicolour printing:

  • There is an extensive Telemetry Trace and Scripting system for automating simulations and capturing output to VCD files.

  • Full integration with SimAVR's GDB capabilities for debugging printer firmware.

  • Actual simulation of extrusion volumes with --extrusion <type> and/or --colour-extrusion modes. See Command Line for options.

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