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Historical Timeline

vintagepc edited this page Aug 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

About this page

This is just an interesting page featuring some screenshots of the development process for those interested. It’s basically a showcase of how things grew over time and various neat milestones.


Very first bootloader boot


Hello World!

Missing SPI Flash


Also shows some LCD wrapping issues that early versions suffered

First boot completed!

First completed boot

One of the first times boot completed, along with custom LCD chars!


First Cal

XYZ Calibration completed! (after the PINDA was implemented, and with some motor visuals)

First Selftest finished!

First selftest

Not long after that, MK404 completed its first self-test, and passed with flying colours!

Language Support


Langauge support took a while, due to issues with Optiboot, PTYs and flashing with avrdude-slic3r. Thanks to leptun for his work on implementing the SPI flash chip!

MMU2 Appears

First MMU2

Things got a little crazy when we added a second AVR and simulated the MMU2…​

MK404 Goes 3D

First 3D

3D visualization was a lot of work…​ Getting the OBJ files to load and render properly was tricky.

I Heard You Like Displays…​

Partial 3D

Eventually, it was functional, including a copy of the display!

Final 3D visuals

Advanced gfx

Y U NO PRINT??!?…​

Print visual

Not long after the 3D rendering, there was a request for printed parts to be rendered too…​ so I poked around a bit with a proof of concept.

Major milestone: First Benchy!

First benchy

Of course, once the print display was working, we had to print a benchy. This printer has some stringing issues…​

The Second Benchy

Second benchy

Stringing issues resolved, along with some better lighting and now we have something we can call a proper Benchy!

…​ ALL the colours!

MMU multicolor

because a single colour is so boring, right?


MK404 tries Marlin

Marlin fail

Our first attempt to boot Marlin didn’t go so well…​.

Marlin Fishing

Marlin boot

But after figuring out some underlying issues, we caught that particular fish.

Ow! Hot!2


Thanks to wavexx for his heater visualization improvements!

MK404 Gets An Upgrade



Too many keyboard keys!


A menu addition to combat the issue of having to remember all the different key controls…​

MK404 Comes to OSX


Thanks to Bozzzzo for his work to make the code compile on OSX!

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