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Vipul edited this page Sep 18, 2021 · 4 revisions


docker-compose up

Pre-built image at:

Make sure to update the following environment variables in docker-compose.yml

Slack tokens

  • SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET: Slack signing secret
  • SLACK_API_TOKEN: Bot user oauth token.

Other application environment variables

  • SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: URI of the database to use. By default, a Sqlite DB is configured.


Deploy on an existing Kubernetes using the helm chart in the repository here like below.

helm install --name slack-standup . values.yaml

Configuring k8s crons

Apply crons as below

kubectl apply -f crons/crons.yaml

These are crons for reminding teams for standup submissions and publishing submissions on a Slack channel. Please edit commands, cron trigger time etc. in crons.yaml before applying.


Check the development doc if you want to manually setup the standup bot or looking for development.

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