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🏷️ Description

All my projects is bricks 🧱 of road to becoming a developer ✨.

This project is dedicated to implementation url-shortener service. It's task for internship selection of ozon. We can see task-requirements is contains in Probably, I will add other useful and more complex features to this implementation in the future ⌛.

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🎯 Solutions and Techniques

  • Three-tier architecture: Transport -> Service -> Storage
  • in-memory solutin using map + RWMutex
  • Auto application configuration using config parser
  • Multi-level logging using zap logger
  • Flexibility deploy with docker
  • Work with PostgreSQL using pgx and squirrel libraries
  • Unit-testing for business logic layer with testify;
  • Testing gRPC server with evans tool
  • Simple run with makefile
  • Reproducibility thanks to config.yaml + configParser

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🗂️ Table of Contents

🌿 Working Tree

├── build
│   └── Dockerfile
├── cmd
│   └── url_shortener
│       └── main.go
├── config.yaml
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   ├── config
│   │   └── config.go
│   ├── service
│   │   ├── encoder
│   │   │   ├── encoder.go
│   │   │   └── encoder_test.go
│   │   └── service.go
│   ├── storage
│   │   ├── inmemory
│   │   │   └── inmemory.go
│   │   └── postgres
│   │       └── postgres.go
│   └── transport
│       ├── gRPC
│       │   ├── gRPCHandler
│       │   │   └── gRPCHandler.go
│       │   └── gRPCServer
│       │       └── gRPCServer.go
│       └── http
│           ├── httpHandler
│           │   └── htppHandler.go
│           └── httpServer
│               └── httpServer.go
├── makefile
├── pkg
│   ├── logger
│   │   └── logger.go
│   └── validator
│       └── validator.go
├── proto
│   ├── url_shortener_grpc.pb.go
│   ├── url_shortener.pb.go
│   └── url_shortener.proto

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⚙️ Сonfiguration file

  - name: "SERVER_PORT"
    value: ":8080"

  - name: "DB_NAME"
    value: "postgres"
  - name: "DB_HOST"
    value: "host.docker.internal"
  - name: "DB_PORT"
    value: "5432"
  - name: "DB_USER"
    value: "postgres"

  - name: "LOG_LEVEL"
    value: "debug"

    value: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{10}$"

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🛠️ Getting Started

  1. Install all required dependencies(Go, Docker and etc)

  2. Clone the repository

git clone
  1. You can build and run containers with default settings and with the database using the following commands:
# create and compose up with default settings
 make run_default
  1. You can choose memory_mode and transport_mode using another suffix run_{memory_mode}_{transport_mode}
# create and compose up with memory_mode=inmemory and transport_mode=http 
 make run_inmemory_http
# create and compose up with memory_mode=postgres and transport_mode=gRPC 
 make run_postgres_gRPC

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Application have two endpoints:

  • POST /api/shorten-url/

    • Handler for url convert to shorten url
    • Request is plain text with UTF-8 that contains url
    • Response is also plain text with short url already
  • GET /api/get-url/

    • Handler use to get original url
    • Url passed by query string (example: api/get-url/?url=xaw1234gre)
    • Response is plain text with original url

🧩 Usage

We can access the service with transport_mode=http using curl utility:

  •  curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/shorten-url/" -H "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8" -d "http://localhost:8080/api/" 
  •  curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/api/get-url/?url=____aRirKl" 

If you want access the service with transport_mode=gRPC, use evans utility:

  • # connect to gRCP server on 8080 port
    evans proto/url_shortener.proto -p 8080 
  • # call endpoint gRCP server 
    [email protected]:8080> call GetUrl
  • # pass parameters for method 
    rawShortUrl (TYPE_STRING) => ____aowuMS
  • # get a response 
    command call: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = url with ____aowuMS shortUrl doesn't exist | transportMode=gRPC

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📌 To do

  • gRPC + evans ✅
  • Makefile ✅
  • Unit test for business logic layer ✅
  • Testing transport and service by gomock
  • Сleaning of unused Url
  • .....

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📫 Contact

Vladislav Pakhomov - @VlPakhomov - [email protected]

Project Link:

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