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  • local containerization
docker build -t webmasterdevlin/fastapi:<version> .
  • local deployment
docker run -p 8000:80 webmasterdevlin/fastapi:<version> 
  • push the container to your Docker Hub account repository
docker push webmasterdevlin/react-vite:<version> 

Test Coverage

When the tests are run, a file htmlcov/index.html is generated, you can open it in your browser to see the coverage of the tests.


As during local development your app directory is mounted as a volume inside the container, you can also run the migrations with alembic commands inside the container and the migration code will be in your app directory (instead of being only inside the container). So you can add it to your git repository.

Make sure you create a "revision" of your models and that you "upgrade" your database with that revision every time you change them. As this is what will update the tables in your database. Otherwise, your application will have errors.

  • Start an interactive session in the backend container:
$ docker compose exec backend bash
  • Alembic is already configured to import your SQLModel models from ./backend/app/

  • After changing a model (for example, adding a column), inside the container, create a revision, e.g.:

$ alembic upgrade head
$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Add column last_name to User model"
  • Commit to the git repository the files generated in the alembic directory.

  • After creating the revision, run the migration in the database (this is what will actually change the database):

$ alembic upgrade head

If you don't want to use migrations at all, uncomment the lines in the file at ./src/app/helpers/ that end in:


and comment the line in the file that contains:

$ alembic upgrade head

If you don't want to start with the default models and want to remove them / modify them, from the beginning, without having any previous revision, you can remove the revision files (.py Python files) under ./src/app/alembic/versions/. And then create a first migration as described above.