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Functional Conservation of DNA Elements (FUNCODE)

Scripts for computing FUNCODE scores from ENCODE DNase-seq, ATAC-seq and Histoen ChIP-seq data.

UCSC Browser track hubs:

hg38 mm10

Output types on ENCODE data portal

These scripts produce data corresponding to two output types on the ENCODE data portal:

(1) "functional conservation quantification"

(2) "functional conservation mapping".

  • "functional conservation mapping" is relevant if the user would like to map regulatory elements across species.

The following datasets contain "functional conservation mapping":

Accession Description
ENCSR174NMF FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable acitivity (CO-V) for chromatin accessibility at human(hg38)-mouse(mm10) DHS pairs derived from nearby gene homology
ENCSR079JCW FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable acitivity (CO-V) for H3K27ac histone modification at human(hg38)-mouse(mm10) DHS pairs derived from nearby gene homology
ENCSR799PIS FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable acitivity (CO-V) for H3K4me1 histone modification at human(hg38)-mouse(mm10) DHS pairs derived from nearby gene homology
ENCSR241JXZ FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable acitivity (CO-V) for H3K4me3 histone modification at human(hg38)-mouse(mm10) DHS pairs derived from nearby gene homology
ENCSR705SNU FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline (CO-B) and context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for chromatin accessibility, H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K4me3 at human(hg38)-mouse(mm10) DHS pairs derived from sequence alignment
  • "functional conservation quantification" is relevant if the user would like to visualize the functional conservation signal in either human or mouse genome. Both '.bed' and '.bigWig' files are provided.

The following datasets contain "functional conservation quantification":

Accession Description
ENCSR666RQQ FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for chromatin accessibility at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR383DSZ FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for chromatin accessibility at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR794MIL FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for H3K27ac histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR468BFL FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for H3K27ac histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR166FHJ FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for H3K4me1 histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR312OMI FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for H3K4me1 histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR623QIK FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for H3K4me3 histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR840YRP FUNCODE conservation scores of baseline activity (CO-B) for H3K4me3 histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR289SXF FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for chromatin accessibility at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR989MYS FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for chromatin accessibility at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR542FJK FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K27ac histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR981BVO FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K27ac histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR825SLF FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K4me1 histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR275KOD FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K4me1 histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR012VAU FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K4me3 histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using sequence alignment
ENCSR811LNW FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K4me3 histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using sequence alignment
ENCSR193MVK FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for chromatin accessibility at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using nearby gene homology
ENCSR785AKM FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for chromatin accessibility at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using nearby gene homology
ENCSR024SYD FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K27ac histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using nearby gene homology
ENCSR389ESN FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K27ac histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using nearby gene homology
ENCSR211HIA FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K4me1 histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using nearby gene homology
ENCSR786OQS FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity(CO-V) for H3K4me1 histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using nearby gene homology
ENCSR760RUZ FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K4me3 histone modification at human DHSs (hg38) paired to mouse using nearby gene homology
ENCSR168ZNZ FUNCODE conservation scores of context-dependent variable activity (CO-V) for H3K4me3 histone modification at mouse DHSs (mm10) paired to human using nearby gene homology


To reproduce the FUNCODE scores, use the following steps:

  1. Generate pairs of mapped DHS elements based on pairwsie sequence alignment (UCSC Blastz)

  2. Download and process sequence read alignment files (bam) from ENCODE data portal

  3. Integrate data between human and mouse

  4. Compute FUNCODE CO-V and CO-B scores for sequence alignable DHS pairs

  5. Compute FUNCODE CO-V scores for sequence DHS pairs with nearby gene homology, and calls significantly conserved pairs

For details on each step, see README in the corresponding sub-directories.

Report bugs and provide suggestions by sending email to:

Author and maintainer: Weixiang Fang ([email protected])

Contributers: Chaoran Chen, Boyang Zhang