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My i3, i3blocks, and accompanying config files. The work of one year of constant tweaking, two years of occasional tweaking, one month of merging stuff from Manjaro-i3-CE, and one more year of occasional tweaking. Run sh to add symlinks in ~/.config/ and ~/.local/bin/.

Default bindings which have been changed:

i3 Action Default Binding My Binding
Move between windows $mod+[jkl;] $mod+[hjkl] (as in Vi)
Resize windows jkl; hjkl (as in Vi)
Reload i3 configuration $mod+Shift+c $mod+F2
Restart i3 in-place $mod+Shift+r $mod+Shift+F2
Focus Child container $mod+d (commented out because of dmenu) $mod+z (to complement $mod+a)
Focus/move window to Scratchpad $mod+minus $mod+Shift+minus $mod+c $mod+Shift+c
Launch dmenu $mod+d $mod+x,d ($mod+x changes modes)
Launch terminal $mod+Return $mod+Shift+t OR $mod+Return* (see below for more information)
Split horizontal/vertical $mod+h $mod+v unset
Split toggle unset $mod+n
Exit i3 with i3-nagbar $mod+Shift+e $mod+Shift+F3

i3wm features:

  • No titlebars
  • $mod+x for a focus/launch mode. (Press <key> to attempt to focus the associated program. It will launch if it fails. Press Shift+<key> to launch a new instance, without regard to running instances.)
  • Locking script which pixelizes and 50% desaturates
  • $mod+Return focuses the terminal workspace and launches one if not already launched; if workspace was already focused, launches new terminal. $mod+Shift+t for new terminal anywhere
  • $mod+Tab backandforth, let go of $mod to stay on the other workspace, or let go of Tab to return
  • Certain programs will launch on certain workspaces
  • Volume displayed in hexadecimal because why not
  • Special bindings that I use with my Steam Controller
  • Click events for most blocks
  • Keyboard shortcuts to get notifications with system information
  • Uses dunstify for --replaceing notifications
  • Layout notification on layout change
  • Uses Xresources to set gaps, colors, and (coming) more!

i3blocks scripts:

  • CPU: right click to get mpstat notification
  • Playerctl: click to playpause, right click for notification with album art and info
  • Disks: click to open mount location, right click for df notification
  • Temperature: right click for detailed temperature information
  • Volume: scroll to change volume, right click to toggle mute

Associated scripts: (See ./BIN/

i3tool library function

This function is the work of many hours over many years scripting and merging functionality. The intension is to create a single function which could be sourced into a sh/bash/zsh [non]interactive shell which could be used to wrap nicely some commonly used tasks when controlling i3 or sway.

  • It can automatically detect which session is being used by looking at running processes (or you can provide it with --session|-s i3).
  • It encapsulates jq filters to get the current workspace, layout, or i3 version.
  • It provides functions to easily focus-or-launch programs (choose class to focus through --class).
  • It allows multiple operations to be done at once, seperated by a lone comma (,).
  • It can choose screenshotting, selection, and locking utilities that can be used with the given session (hard-coded fallback lists, tested with command -v)
  • It provides a simple pixelating lock function
  • It will find and use the correct login daemon's commands to suspend/hibernate/power off/reboot (systemctl vs zzz/runit scripts). TODO: (I don't have a runit system.)


  • Set S_COLORS for mpstat colou?ri[zs]ation
  • Branch with Barless config: workspace notification on workspace change, workspace Rofi
  • Give up.

Programs I have bindsym execs for:

  • Arandr
  • Blueman
  • catfish (an mlocate wrapper)
  • Clementine
  • Compton
  • dmenu
  • $FILEMAN via xdg-open
  • File-roller
  • Firefox
  • GIMP
  • Libreoffice
  • light
  • maim
  • Neovim-GTK
  • pactl/pacmd
  • Pass (password-store), via passmenu (either the dmenu-based one or my rofi-based one)
  • Pavucontrol
  • playerctl
  • Rofi
  • Steam
  • Thunderbird
  • Torbrowser
  • xfce4-launcher
  • (possibly others)