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Featured Tags

  • 2.2 (Current)
    • docker pull x430n/dotnet-sonarscanner:2.2
  • 2.1 (LTS)
    • docker pull x430n/dotnet-sonarscanner:2.1

SonarScanner for MSBuild Docker Container

Docker container is based of Alpine linux image to be as small as possible. Beware Alpine linux is not having bash installed by default, but sh, if there is need to open container interactively.

Main image is official OpenJDK 8u212-jre-alpine3.9 since there was issues installing Java to .NET Core SDK official Docker image (tried Debian, Alpine and Ubuntu). OpenJRE 8 is minimal requirement to run SonarScanner analysis.

To OpenJDK image is added install of .NET Core Runtime deps merged with .NET Core SDK with set DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=true, just in case.

Added install for dotnet-sonarscanner version 4.6.2 as global dotnet tool and set PATH to find it in .dotnet/tools folder.

Full Tag Listing

Tags Dockerfile .NET Core SDK OS Version
2.2, latest Dockerfile 2.2.401 Alpine 3.9
2.1 Dockerfile 2.1.801 Alpine 3.9

Basic usage

Main usage of this Docker Container is in CI (Continuous Integration) environment when CI is not having support for .NET Core version or there is need to run Build & Test inside of Docker Container.

Example usage Dockerfile

# Get sonarscanner for .NET Core SDK 2.2
FROM x430n/dotnet-sonarscanner:2.2 as ci-build

# Get you code repo files including .git
COPY .git ./.git
COPY src ./src
COPY tests  ./tests
COPY myapp.sln ./

# Begin sonarscanner
RUN dotnet-sonarscanner begin /k:my_app

# Do build and run tests
RUN dotnet build && dotnet test

# End sonarscanner and send data
RUN dotnet-sonarscanner end