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File metadata and controls

277 lines (168 loc) · 6.92 KB


DOM manipulation and traversal in Vanilla JS with chaining.
Like jQuery but with a Vanilla flavor 😋.

📦 Scoped @xan105 packages are for my own personal use but feel free to use them.


import { whenReady, html, $select, $selectAll } from "./path/to/vq.js"

await whenReady(); //DOM is ready

//Creating HTMLElement
function component(){
  return html`

//DOM Manipulation
$select("#div .child[data-attr='val']").$css("background","red").$text("Hello World");
const el = $select("#div");

$selectAll(li).forEach(el => el.$css("color","black"));
$select("#div .child").$css("background","red").$select(".child").$selectAll("p");


npm i @xan105/vanilla-query

💡 The bundled library and its minified version can be found in the ./dist folder.

Via importmap

Create an importmap and add it to your html:

  <script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "@xan105/vanilla-query": "./path/to/node_modules/@xan105/vanilla-query/dist/vq.min.js"
  <script src="./index.js" type="module"></script>


import { whenReady } from "@xan105/vanilla-query"
await whenReady();
console.log("Hello world !");


⚠️ This module is only available as an ECMAScript module (ESM) and is intended for the browser.

Named export

  • whenReady(): Promise<void>

    Resolves when the DOM is ready.

  • whenDefined(components?: { name: HTMLElement Constructor, ... }): Promise<void>

    Resolves when all Web Components (CustomElements) are defined.

  • whenLoaded(components?: { name: HTMLElement Constructor, ... }): Promise<void>

    A shorthand for calling whenReady() + whenDefined().

  • html`string`: HTMLElement

    Create a HTML element from the given html string template.
    NB: This is a template literal (template string) "tagFunction".

  • css`string`: CSSStyleSheet

    Create a CSS style sheet from the given css string template.
    NB: This is a template literal (template string) "tagFunction".

  • define(el: HTMLElement | Unknown): HTMLElement | Unknown

    Add the following helpers (see below) to the given HTMLElement.

  • $select(query: string, scope?: HTMLElement = document): HTMLElement | undefined

    Select HTMLElement matching the given query selector; relative to the given scope (document if omitted).
    Add the following helpers (see below) to the returned HTMLElement.

  • $selectAll(query: string, scope?: HTMLElement = document): HTMLElement[] | undefined[]

    Select every HTMLElement matching the given query selector; relative to the given scope (document if omitted).
    Add the following helpers (see below) to every returned HTMLElement.


  • $addClass(...names: string[]): HTMLElement

    Add given class name(s).

  • $removeClass(...names: string[]): HTMLElement

    Remove given class name(s).

  • $toggleClass(...names: string[]): HTMLElement

    Toggle given class name(s): remove if exist and add it otherwise.

  • $hasClass(name: string): boolean

    Return whether the HTMLElement has the given class name or not.

  • $html(value?: string): HTMLElement | string

    Set innerHTML to the given value if any.
    Otherwise returns the current innerHTML.

  • $css(name: string, value?: string): HTMLElement | string

    Set CSS inline style name property to the given value if any.
    Otherwise returns the current value.

  • $style(sheet: object): HTMLElement

    Set CSS inline style from a sheet object representation as follows:

      name: "value",
  • $text(value?: string): HTMLElement | string

    Set text content to the given value if any.
    Otherwise returns the current value.

  • $attr(name: string, value?: string): HTMLElement | string

    Set attribute name to the given value if any.
    Otherwise returns the current value.

  • $toggleAttr(...names: string[]): HTMLElement

    Toggle given attribute name(s): remove if exist and add it otherwise.

  • $removeAttr(...names: string[]): HTMLElement

    Remove given attribute name(s).

  • $empty(): HTMLElement

    Remove all children of the HTMLElement.

  • $show(): HTMLElement

    Show the HTMLElement.

  • $hide(): HTMLElement

    Hide the HTMLElement.

  • $isHidden(): boolean

    Return whether the HTMLElement is visible or not.

  • $on(eventName: string, listener: function): void

    Add an EventListener and keep track of the listener inside the Symbol property events.
    Calling $off(eventName) will remove every known listener/handler for that event.

  • $once(eventName: string, listener: function): void

    Add an EventListener which is automatically removed when the listener is invoked.

  • $off(eventName: string, listener?: function): void

    alias: $removeListener

    Remove specified listener/handler for the given event.
    If omitted remove every known listener/handler for the given event.

  • $removeAllListeners(eventName?: string[]): void

    Remove every known listener/handler or those of the specified eventName.

  • $click(listener?: function): void

    Add a click event listener or trigger it if omitted.

  • $contextmenu(listener?: function): void

    Add a right click event (contextmenu) listener or trigger it if omitted.

  • $trigger(name: string): void

    Trigger given HTML event name.

  • $select(query: string): HTMLElement | null

    See $select() above but the scope is the current element.

  • $selectAll(query: string): HTMLElement[] | null[]

    See $selectAll() above but the scope is the current element.

  • $add(el: HTMLElement | string): HTMLElement

    Add given element to the end of the list of children of the current element.
    If el is a string then an element will be created from the assumed tag name.

  • $parent(query?: string): HTMLElement | null

    Return the closest parent element that matches the specified query selector.
    If omitted return the parent node.

  • $prev(): HTMLElement | null

    Return the previous element if any.

  • $next(): HTMLElement | null

    Return the next element if any.

  • $prevUntilVisible(): HTMLElement | null

    Return the previous visible element if any.

  • $nextUntilVisible(): HTMLElement | null

    Return the next visible element if any.

  • $append(html: string): HTMLElement

    Append given html to the current HTMLElement and return the newly created HTMLElement.

  • $prepend(html: string): HTMLElement

    Prepend given html to the current HTMLElement and return the newly created HTMLElement.

  • $fadeOut(duration?: number = 400): Promise<void>

    Fade out animation to the current HTMLElement.

  • $fadeIn(duration?: number = 400): Promise<void>

    Fade in animation to the current HTMLElement.