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  • Piotr Dabkowski, Yarin Gal. "Real Time Image Saliency for Black Box Classifiers" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nicolas Courty, Rémi Flamary, Amaury Habrard, Alain Rakotomamonjy. "Joint distribution optimal transportation for domain adaptation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Feiping Nie, Xiaoqian Wang, Cheng Deng, Heng Huang. "Learning A Structured Optimal Bipartite Graph for Co-Clustering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mohammad Haris Baig, Vladlen Koltun, Lorenzo Torresani. "Learning to Inpaint for Image Compression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Robert Mattila, Cristian Rojas, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Bo Wahlberg. "Inverse Filtering for Hidden Markov Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Soumendu Sundar Mukherjee, Purnamrita Sarkar, Lizhen Lin. "On clustering network-valued data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nanyang Ye, Zhanxing Zhu, Rafal Mantiuk. "Langevin Dynamics with Continuous Tempering for Training Deep Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Omar El Housni, Vineet Goyal. "Beyond Worst-case: A Probabilistic Analysis of Affine Policies in Dynamic Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Eleni Triantafillou, Richard Zemel, Raquel Urtasun. "Few-Shot Learning Through an Information Retrieval Lens" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Patrick Rebeschini, Sekhar C. Tatikonda. "Accelerated consensus via Min-Sum Splitting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sean Welleck, Jialin Mao, Kyunghyun Cho, Zheng Zhang. "Saliency-based Sequential Image Attention with Multiset Prediction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Anirban Roychowdhury, Srinivasan Parthasarathy. "Adaptive Bayesian Sampling with Monte Carlo EM" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Phillip A. Jang, Andrew Loeb, Matthew Davidow, Andrew G. Wilson. "Scalable Levy Process Priors for Spectral Kernel Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Rajat Sen, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Sanjay Shakkottai. "Model-Powered Conditional Independence Test" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mingsheng Long, ZHANGJIE CAO, Jianmin Wang, Philip S. Yu. "Learning Multiple Tasks with Multilinear Relationship Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Arya Mazumdar, Barna Saha. "Query Complexity of Clustering with Side Information" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andreas Lehrmann, Leonid Sigal. "Non-parametric Structured Output Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ziyu Wang, Josh S. Merel, Scott E. Reed, Nando de Freitas, Gregory Wayne, Nicolas Heess. "Robust Imitation of Diverse Behaviors" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Idan Schwartz, Alexander Schwing, Tamir Hazan. "High-Order Attention Models for Visual Question Answering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alessandro Rudi, Luigi Carratino, Lorenzo Rosasco. "FALKON: An Optimal Large Scale Kernel Method" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jason Xu, Eric Chi, Kenneth Lange. "Generalized Linear Model Regression under Distance-to-set Penalties" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Youssef Mroueh, Tom Sercu. "Fisher GAN" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Addison Hu, Sahand Negahban. "Minimax Estimation of Bandable Precision Matrices" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matthäus Kleindessner, Ulrike von Luxburg. "Kernel functions based on triplet comparisons" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fabian Pedregosa, Rémi Leblond, Simon Lacoste-Julien. "Breaking the Nonsmooth Barrier: A Scalable Parallel Method for Composite Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Guangcan Liu, Qingshan Liu, Xiaotong Yuan. "A New Theory for Matrix Completion" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Toan Tran, Trung Pham, Gustavo Carneiro, Lyle Palmer, Ian Reid. "A Bayesian Data Augmentation Approach for Learning Deep Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Muhammad Yousefnezhad, Daoqiang Zhang. "Deep Hyperalignment" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiasen Lu, Anitha Kannan, Jianwei Yang, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra. "Best of Both Worlds: Transferring Knowledge from Discriminative Learning to a Generative Visual Dialog Model" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jonathan Huggins, Ryan P. Adams, Tamara Broderick. "PASS-GLM: polynomial approximate sufficient statistics for scalable Bayesian GLM inference" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Young Hun Jung, Jack Goetz, Ambuj Tewari. "Online multiclass boosting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yannick Schroecker, Charles L. Isbell. "State Aware Imitation Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yi Xu, Qihang Lin, Tianbao Yang. "Adaptive SVRG Methods under Error Bound Conditions with Unknown Growth Parameter" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wei-Ning Hsu, Yu Zhang, James Glass. "Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled and Interpretable Representations from Sequential Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Isabeau Prémont-Schwarz, Alexander Ilin, Tele Hao, Antti Rasmus, Rinu Boney, Harri Valpola. "Recurrent Ladder Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yee Teh, Victor Bapst, Wojciech M. Czarnecki, John Quan, James Kirkpatrick, Raia Hadsell, Nicolas Heess, Razvan Pascanu. "Distral: Robust multitask reinforcement learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • arthur flajolet, Patrick Jaillet. "Real-Time Bidding with Side Information" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yu-Chuan Su, Kristen Grauman. "Learning Spherical Convolution for Fast Features from 360° Imagery" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Luiz Chamon, Alejandro Ribeiro. "Approximate Supermodularity Bounds for Experimental Design" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fan Yang, Zhilin Yang, William W. Cohen. "Differentiable Learning of Logical Rules for Knowledge Base Reasoning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mert Gurbuzbalaban, Asuman Ozdaglar, Pablo A. Parrilo, Nuri Vanli. "When Cyclic Coordinate Descent Outperforms Randomized Coordinate Descent" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Hauser, Asok Ray. "Principles of Riemannian Geometry in Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hanul Shin, Jung Kwon Lee, Jaehong Kim, Jiwon Kim. "Continual Learning with Deep Generative Replay" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jeffrey Pennington, Pratik Worah. "Nonlinear random matrix theory for deep learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stefanos Eleftheriadis, Tom Nicholson, Marc Deisenroth, James Hensman. "Identification of Gaussian Process State Space Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xiaohan Wei, Stanislav Minsker. "Estimation of the covariance structure of heavy-tailed distributions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Robert S. Chen, Brendan Lucier, Yaron Singer, Vasilis Syrgkanis. "Robust Optimization for Non-Convex Objectives" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Behnam Neyshabur, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, David Mcallester, Nati Srebro. "Exploring Generalization in Deep Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wouter Boomsma, Jes Frellsen. "Spherical convolutions and their application in molecular modelling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sebastian U. Stich, Anant Raj, Martin Jaggi. "Safe Adaptive Importance Sampling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Long Jin, Justin Lazarow, Zhuowen Tu. "Introspective Classification with Convolutional Nets" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Harm Van Seijen, Mehdi Fatemi, Joshua Romoff, Romain Laroche, Tavian Barnes, Jeffrey Tsang. "Hybrid Reward Architecture for Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chris Russell, Matt J. Kusner, Joshua Loftus, Ricardo Silva. "When Worlds Collide: Integrating Different Counterfactual Assumptions in Fairness" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yujia Li, Alexander Schwing, Kuan-Chieh Wang, Richard Zemel. "Dualing GANs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ashkan Panahi, Babak Hassibi. "A Universal Analysis of Large-Scale Regularized Least Squares Solutions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chris Junchi Li, Mengdi Wang, Han Liu, Tong Zhang. "Diffusion Approximations for Online Principal Component Estimation and Global Convergence" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Cong Han Lim, Stephen Wright. "k-Support and Ordered Weighted Sparsity for Overlapping Groups: Hardness and Algorithms" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yu-Xiong Wang, Deva Ramanan, Martial Hebert. "Learning to Model the Tail" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Volodymyr Kuleshov, Stefano Ermon. "Neural Variational Inference and Learning in Undirected Graphical Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bikash Joshi, Massih R. Amini, Ioannis Partalas, Franck Iutzeler, Yury Maximov. "Aggressive Sampling for Multi-class to Binary Reduction with Applications to Text Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Elad Hazan, Karan Singh, Cyril Zhang. "Learning Linear Dynamical Systems via Spectral Filtering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhenwen Dai, Mauricio Álvarez, Neil Lawrence. "Efficient Modeling of Latent Information in Supervised Learning using Gaussian Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wei-Sheng Lai, Jia-Bin Huang, Ming-Hsuan Yang. "Semi-Supervised Learning for Optical Flow with Generative Adversarial Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jonathan Scarlett, Volkan Cevher. "Phase Transitions in the Pooled Data Problem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christoph Dann, Tor Lattimore, Emma Brunskill. "Unifying PAC and Regret: Uniform PAC Bounds for Episodic Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Qiang Liu. "Stein Variational Gradient Descent as Gradient Flow" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Futoshi Futami, Issei Sato, Masashi Sugiyama. "Expectation Propagation for t-Exponential Family Using q-Algebra" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Avrim Blum, Nika Haghtalab, Ariel D. Procaccia, Mingda Qiao. "Collaborative PAC Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chengtao Li, Stefanie Jegelka, Suvrit Sra. "Polynomial time algorithms for dual volume sampling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mingzhe Wang, Yihe Tang, Jian Wang, Jia Deng. "Premise Selection for Theorem Proving by Deep Graph Embedding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Josip Djolonga, Andreas Krause. "Differentiable Learning of Submodular Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jin Hyung Lee, David E. Carlson, Hooshmand Shokri Razaghi, Weichi Yao, Georges A. Goetz, Espen Hagen, Eleanor Batty, E.J. Chichilnisky, Gaute T. Einevoll, Liam Paninski. "YASS: Yet Another Spike Sorter" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dario Zanca, Marco Gori. "Variational Laws of Visual Attention for Dynamic Scenes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Amirhossein Taghvaei, Jin W. Kim, Prashant Mehta. "How regularization affects the critical points in linear networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Masaaki Imaizumi, Takanori Maehara, Kohei Hayashi. "On Tensor Train Rank Minimization : Statistical Efficiency and Scalable Algorithm" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Justin Fu, John Co-Reyes, Sergey Levine. "EX2: Exploration with Exemplar Models for Deep Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hao Li, Soham De, Zheng Xu, Christoph Studer, Hanan Samet, Tom Goldstein. "Training Quantized Nets: A Deeper Understanding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mark van der Wilk, Carl Edward Rasmussen, James Hensman. "Convolutional Gaussian Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Omer Ben-Porat, Moshe Tennenholtz. "Best Response Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zelda E. Mariet, Suvrit Sra. "Elementary Symmetric Polynomials for Optimal Experimental Design" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Takashi Ishida, Gang Niu, Weihua Hu, Masashi Sugiyama. "Learning from Complementary Labels" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Qi Lou, Rina Dechter, Alexander T. Ihler. "Dynamic Importance Sampling for Anytime Bounds of the Partition Function" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pratibha Vellanki, Santu Rana, Sunil Gupta, David Rubin, Alessandra Sutti, Thomas Dorin, Murray Height, Paul Sanders, Svetha Venkatesh. "Process-constrained batch Bayesian optimisation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mark Rowland, Adrian Weller. "Uprooting and Rerooting Higher-Order Graphical Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bryan McCann, James Bradbury, Caiming Xiong, Richard Socher. "Learned in Translation: Contextualized Word Vectors" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Arya Mazumdar, Soumyabrata Pal. "Semisupervised Clustering, AND-Queries and Locally Encodable Source Coding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hyeonwoo Noh, Tackgeun You, Jonghwan Mun, Bohyung Han. "Regularizing Deep Neural Networks by Noise: Its Interpretation and Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Saeid Motiian, Quinn Jones, Seyed Iranmanesh, Gianfranco Doretto. "Few-Shot Adversarial Domain Adaptation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Taylor W. Killian, Samuel Daulton, George Konidaris, Finale Doshi-Velez. "Robust and Efficient Transfer Learning with Hidden Parameter Markov Decision Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christos Dimitrakakis, David C. Parkes, Goran Radanovic, Paul Tylkin. "Multi-View Decision Processes: The Helper-AI Problem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alexandre Drouin, Toby Hocking, Francois Laviolette. "Maximum Margin Interval Trees" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ofer Dekel, arthur flajolet, Nika Haghtalab, Patrick Jaillet. "Online Learning with a Hint" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kartik Ahuja, William Zame, Mihaela van der Schaar. "DPSCREEN: Dynamic Personalized Screening" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • M. Sevi Baltaoglu, Lang Tong, Qing Zhao. "Online Learning of Optimal Bidding Strategy in Repeated Multi-Commodity Auctions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiaming Song, Shengjia Zhao, Stefano Ermon. "A-NICE-MC: Adversarial Training for MCMC" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Anselm Rothe, Brenden M. Lake, Todd Gureckis. "Question Asking as Program Generation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hamed Hassani, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi, Amin Karbasi. "Gradient Methods for Submodular Maximization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Novi Quadrianto, Viktoriia Sharmanska. "Recycling Privileged Learning and Distribution Matching for Fairness" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bolin Ding, Janardhan Kulkarni, Sergey Yekhanin. "Collecting Telemetry Data Privately" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matthew Staib, Sebastian Claici, Justin M. Solomon, Stefanie Jegelka. "Parallel Streaming Wasserstein Barycenters" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mingrui Liu, Tianbao Yang. "Adaptive Accelerated Gradient Converging Method under H"{o}lderian Error Bound Condition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alex Kendall, Yarin Gal. "What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision?" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Erinc Merdivan, Mohammad Reza Loghmani, Matthieu Geist. "Reconstruct & Crush Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yuhao Wang, Liam Solus, Karren Yang, Caroline Uhler. "Permutation-based Causal Inference Algorithms with Interventions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chengyue Gong, win-bin huang. "Deep Dynamic Poisson Factorization Model" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kwang-Sung Jun, Aniruddha Bhargava, Robert Nowak, Rebecca Willett. "Scalable Generalized Linear Bandits: Online Computation and Hashing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Murat Kocaoglu, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Elias Bareinboim. "Experimental Design for Learning Causal Graphs with Latent Variables" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jonathan Peck, Joris Roels, Bart Goossens, Yvan Saeys. "Lower bounds on the robustness to adversarial perturbations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peter Schulam, Suchi Saria. "Reliable Decision Support using Counterfactual Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chao Pan, Michael Zhu. "Group Additive Structure Identification for Kernel Nonparametric Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Julien Pérolat, Joel Z. Leibo, Vinicius Zambaldi, Charles Beattie, Karl Tuyls, Thore Graepel. "A multi-agent reinforcement learning model of common-pool resource appropriation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Di He, Hanqing Lu, Yingce Xia, Tao Qin, Liwei Wang, Tie-Yan Liu. "Decoding with Value Networks for Neural Machine Translation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jianfei Chen, Chongxuan LI, Yizhong Ru, Jun Zhu. "Population Matching Discrepancy and Applications in Deep Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Carlton Downey, Ahmed Hefny, Byron Boots, Geoffrey J. Gordon, Boyue Li. "Predictive State Recurrent Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jeremiah Liu, Brent Coull. "Robust Hypothesis Test for Nonlinear Effect with Gaussian Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vincent Roulet, Alexandre d'Aspremont. "Sharpness, Restart and Acceleration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sara Sabour, Nicholas Frosst, Geoffrey E. Hinton. "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yunzhu Li, Jiaming Song, Stefano Ermon. "InfoGAIL: Interpretable Imitation Learning from Visual Demonstrations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vlad Niculae, Mathieu Blondel. "A Regularized Framework for Sparse and Structured Neural Attention" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tianxiao Shen, Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola. "Style Transfer from Non-Parallel Text by Cross-Alignment" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Emily L. Denton, vighnesh Birodkar. "Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled Representations from Video" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Peter W. Glynn, Claire Tomlin. "Countering Feedback Delays in Multi-Agent Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mohammadhossein Bateni, Soheil Behnezhad, Mahsa Derakhshan, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Raimondas Kiveris, Silvio Lattanzi, Vahab Mirrokni. "Affinity Clustering: Hierarchical Clustering at Scale" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Federico Monti, Michael Bronstein, Xavier Bresson. "Geometric Matrix Completion with Recurrent Multi-Graph Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jinseok Nam, Eneldo Loza Mencía, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Johannes Fürnkranz. "Maximizing Subset Accuracy with Recurrent Neural Networks in Multi-label Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Richard Nock, Zac Cranko, Aditya K. Menon, Lizhen Qu, Robert C. Williamson. "f-GANs in an Information Geometric Nutshell" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Haw-Shiuan Chang, Erik Learned-Miller, Andrew McCallum. "Active Bias: Training More Accurate Neural Networks by Emphasizing High Variance Samples" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kristof Schütt, Pieter-Jan Kindermans, Huziel Enoc Sauceda Felix, Stefan Chmiela, Alexandre Tkatchenko, Klaus-Robert Müller. "SchNet: A continuous-filter convolutional neural network for modeling quantum interactions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alex M. Lamb, Devon Hjelm, Yaroslav Ganin, Joseph Paul Cohen, Aaron C. Courville, Yoshua Bengio. "GibbsNet: Iterative Adversarial Inference for Deep Graphical Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yunus Saatci, Andrew G. Wilson. "Bayesian GAN" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Niladri Chatterji, Peter L. Bartlett. "Alternating minimization for dictionary learning with random initialization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Weiwei Liu, Xiaobo Shen, Ivor Tsang. "Sparse Embedded $k$-Means Clustering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andrew Miller, Nick Foti, Alexander D'Amour, Ryan P. Adams. "Reducing Reparameterization Gradient Variance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christopher Srinivasa, Inmar Givoni, Siamak Ravanbakhsh, Brendan J. Frey. "Min-Max Propagation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Eric Balkanski, Umar Syed, Sergei Vassilvitskii. "Statistical Cost Sharing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shiyu Chang, Yang Zhang, Wei Han, Mo Yu, Xiaoxiao Guo, Wei Tan, Xiaodong Cui, Michael Witbrock, Mark A. Hasegawa-Johnson, Thomas S. Huang. "Dilated Recurrent Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhou Lu, Hongming Pu, Feicheng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Liwei Wang. "The Expressive Power of Neural Networks: A View from the Width" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Smitha Milli, Pieter Abbeel, Stuart J. Russell, Anca Dragan. "Inverse Reward Design" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Moein Falahatgar, Mesrob I. Ohannessian, Alon Orlitsky, Venkatadheeraj Pichapati. "The power of absolute discounting: all-dimensional distribution estimation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Marc Lanctot, Vinicius Zambaldi, Audrunas Gruslys, Angeliki Lazaridou, Karl Tuyls, Julien Perolat, David Silver, Thore Graepel. "A Unified Game-Theoretic Approach to Multiagent Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gabriel Parra, Felipe Tobar. "Spectral Mixture Kernels for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tomer Koren, Roi Livni. "Affine-Invariant Online Optimization and the Low-rank Experts Problem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Liqian Ma, Xu Jia, Qianru Sun, Bernt Schiele, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool. "Pose Guided Person Image Generation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andre Barreto, Will Dabney, Remi Munos, Jonathan J. Hunt, Tom Schaul, Hado P. van Hasselt, David Silver. "Successor Features for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xingguo Li, Lin Yang, Jason Ge, Jarvis Haupt, Tong Zhang, Tuo Zhao. "On Quadratic Convergence of DC Proximal Newton Algorithm in Nonconvex Sparse Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Simon S. Du, Jayanth Koushik, Aarti Singh, Barnabas Poczos. "Hypothesis Transfer Learning via Transformation Functions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yue Wang, Wei Chen, Yuting Liu, Zhi-Ming Ma, Tie-Yan Liu. "Finite Sample Analysis of the GTD Policy Evaluation Algorithms in Markov Setting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Adji Bousso Dieng, Dustin Tran, Rajesh Ranganath, John Paisley, David Blei. "Variational Inference via $\chi$ Upper Bound Minimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Qinliang Su, xuejun Liao, Lawrence Carin. "A Probabilistic Framework for Nonlinearities in Stochastic Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yuhuai Wu, Elman Mansimov, Roger B. Grosse, Shun Liao, Jimmy Ba. "Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shipra Agrawal, Randy Jia. "Optimistic posterior sampling for reinforcement learning: worst-case regret bounds" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Daniele Calandriello, Alessandro Lazaric, Michal Valko. "Efficient Second-Order Online Kernel Learning with Adaptive Embedding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gang Wang, Georgios Giannakis, Yousef Saad, Jie Chen. "Solving Most Systems of Random Quadratic Equations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chen-Yu Wei, Yi-Te Hong, Chi-Jen Lu. "Online Reinforcement Learning in Stochastic Games" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Daniil Ryabko. "Independence clustering (without a matrix)" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Kamp, Mario Boley, Olana Missura, Thomas Gärtner. "Effective Parallelisation for Machine Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Siavash Arjomand Bigdeli, Matthias Zwicker, Paolo Favaro, Meiguang Jin. "Deep Mean-Shift Priors for Image Restoration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Anton Osokin, Francis Bach, Simon Lacoste-Julien. "On Structured Prediction Theory with Calibrated Convex Surrogate Losses" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alberto Bietti, Julien Mairal. "Invariance and Stability of Deep Convolutional Representations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jörg Bornschein, Andriy Mnih, Daniel Zoran, Danilo Jimenez Rezende. "Variational Memory Addressing in Generative Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nir Levine, Tom Zahavy, Daniel J. Mankowitz, Aviv Tamar, Shie Mannor. "Shallow Updates for Deep Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Amélie Heliou, Johanne Cohen, Panayotis Mertikopoulos. "Learning with Bandit Feedback in Potential Games" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hsiang-Fu Yu, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Qi Lei, Inderjit S. Dhillon. "A Greedy Approach for Budgeted Maximum Inner Product Search" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Minhyung Cho, Jaehyung Lee. "Riemannian approach to batch normalization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Martin Royer. "Adaptive Clustering through Semidefinite Programming" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Haoran Tang, Rein Houthooft, Davis Foote, Adam Stooke, OpenAI Xi Chen, Yan Duan, John Schulman, Filip DeTurck, Pieter Abbeel. "#Exploration: A Study of Count-Based Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Takehisa Yairi. "Learning Koopman Invariant Subspaces for Dynamic Mode Decomposition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tim Roughgarden, Okke Schrijvers. "Online Prediction with Selfish Experts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Slobodan Mitrovic, Ilija Bogunovic, Ashkan Norouzi-Fard, Jakub M. Tarnawski, Volkan Cevher. "Streaming Robust Submodular Maximization: A Partitioned Thresholding Approach" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jacob Devlin, Rudy R. Bunel, Rishabh Singh, Matthew Hausknecht, Pushmeet Kohli. "Neural Program Meta-Induction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chuang Wang, Yue Lu. "The Scaling Limit of High-Dimensional Online Independent Component Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Raef Bassily, Kobbi Nissim, Uri Stemmer, Abhradeep Guha Thakurta. "Practical Locally Private Heavy Hitters" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dongsheng Li, Chao Chen, Wei Liu, Tun Lu, Ning Gu, Stephen Chu. "Mixture-Rank Matrix Approximation for Collaborative Filtering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Veeranjaneyulu Sadhanala, Yu-Xiang Wang, James L. Sharpnack, Ryan J. Tibshirani. "Higher-Order Total Variation Classes on Grids: Minimax Theory and Trend Filtering Methods" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

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  • Jaime Ide, Fábio Cappabianco, Fabio Faria, Chiang-shan R. Li. "Detrended Partial Cross Correlation for Brain Connectivity Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]