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My Linux and Mac stations config files

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Initial setup and configuration

This is my initial setup procedure of a my development machine.
It supports the following flavours:
  • A home box running Linux Mint >20 machine with Cinnamon, including visual aspects like applets and themes, i/o drivers, cinnamon configuration
  • Minimal procedure suitable for virtual machines
  • Minimal procedure suitable for WSL on windows
  • A home box running MacOS
Perform the steps in the following order.
If used for a virtual machine or WSL, skip SSH and GPG keys creation and start from Install Git.

See Appendix: MacOS.

See Appendix: Linux Mint.

See Appendix: SSH and GPG keys.

# linux:
sudo apt install -y git
# mac:
brew install git
rm -rf ~/.dotfiles
# if you've set up an SSH key and have access to this repository, you can use ssh:
git clone [email protected]:yevgenykuz/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
# otherwise, use https:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
# make sure all .sh files have execute permission. If not, give it with:
chmod +x ~/.dotfiles/*.sh
chmod +x ~/.dotfiles/scripts/*.sh
Run and select between a full installation for a desktop environment or a minimal installation for a virtual machine.
WSL or MacOS is detected automatically.

bash ~/.dotfiles/
# this script may take some time, resulting in multiple requests for sudo password
  • Create an Apple ID, login to apple music once to add shipping and payment addresses (without credit card)
  • Login to App Store, update everything

Install homebrew:

  • Get it (accept xcode cmd tools, type password for sudo): /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Follow instructions to add to path and then test it: brew doctor

Bash and iTerm2:

  • Update bash before running brew install bash
  • Install iTerm2: brew install --cask iterm2

Go to "System Preferences":

  • [General] Language & Region > Add your language(s) and update units
  • [General] Date & Time > Set time zone automatically using your current location (enable location services if needed)
  • [General] Sharing > Local hostname > Edit if needed
  • [Appearance] Appearance > Dark
  • [Control Center] Bluetooth > Show in Menu Bar
  • [Control Center] Sound > Always Show in Menu Bar
  • [Control Center] Spotlight > Don't Show in Menu Bar
  • [Privacy & Security] Analytics & Improvments > Disable all
  • [Privacy & Security] Apple Advertising > Disable all
  • [Desktop & Dock] Adjust dock size
  • [Desktop & Dock] Automatically hide and show the Dock
  • [Desktop & Dock] Show suggested and recent apps in Dock - Disable
  • [Desktop & Dock] Shortcuts > Disable all
  • [Desktop & Dock] Hot Corners > Disable all
  • [Displays] Night Shift > Set a custum schedule from 6:00AM to 5:55AM
  • [Touch ID & Password] Setup new fingerprint, use for all
  • [Users & Groups] Disable guest user login
  • [Keyboard] Key Repeat > Fast
  • [Keyboard] Delay Until Repeat > Short
  • [Keyboard] Press fn key to > Show Emoji & Symbols
  • [Keyboard] Keyboard navigation > Enable
  • [Keyboard] Keyboard shortcuts > Disable all
  • [Trackpad] Point & Click > Tap to click
  • [Trackpad] More Gestures > Enable all


  • Settings > General > Set default directory to home directory
  • Settings > General > Use windows to open new folders
  • Settings > Sidebar > Edit sidebar items
  • Settings > Advanced > Show all filename extensions
  • View > Show Path Bar
  • Show hidden files, open terminal and: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true; killall Finder;


  • Change screenshot save location - open the app > Options > Select folder under Save to

iTerm2 (do these after running

  • Click in menu bar > Make iTerm2 default Term
  • Settings > General > Selection > Copy to pasteboard on selection
  • Settings > General > Selection > Applications in terminal may access clipboard
  • Settings > General > Closing > Disable all
  • Settings > Appearance > General > Theme > Minimal
  • Settings > Profiles > Other Actions... > Import JSON profiles > import from file in ~/.dotfiles/.local/iterm2-profiles and set as default (Command+Shift+. to show hidden files)
  • Settings > Pointer > General > Three-finger tap emulates middle click
  • Settings > Pointer > General > Focus follows mouse
  • Now restart iterm2 (click the icon in the dock it the window doesn't show up), and then > Window > Save window arrangement
  • Settings > General > Startup > Window restoration policy > Open default window arrangement
  • To allow touch ID with sudo - edit /etc/pam.d/sudo and add auth sufficient at the top
  • Settings > Advanced > Allow sessions to survive logging out and back in > set to No
  • Restart to apply
  • IntelliJ
  • Slack

Go to "System Settings":

  • [Keyboard] Add keyboard layouts and set switching shortcut to "Alt+Shift"
  • [Preferred Applications] Configure preferred applications
  • [Applets/Extensions] Configure applets and extensions
  • [Desktop] Remove "Computer" and "Home" shortcuts from desktop
  • Complete Linux Mint system report tasks
  • Creation:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
# Accept default file location, and then type a pass phrase
# --> Done
# To use it, copy your public key to system clipboard:
xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/
# or, if xclip complains about "Error: Can't open display: (null)" just cat the contents and copy manually
cat ~/.ssh/
# Paste into target location
  • Deletion:
rm ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
  • Password testing:
# Load it into your SSH agent:
# If it was loaded, unload it:
ssh-add -d
  • MacOS integration:
# Add to macos keychain:
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Add the following to ~/.ssh/config to persist after reboot
Host *
  ServerAliveInterval 60
  UseKeychain yes
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • Creation:
gpg --full-generate-key
# Select key kind - RSA and RSA
# Set key size to 4096
# Set key expiration 1y
# Set name to "Yevgeny Kuznetsov"
# Set email to "[email protected]"
# Leave comment empty
# Type a pass phrase
# --> Done (move mouse during key generation)
# To use it, get ID for created key (can be found after "sec   rsa4096/<KEYID>":
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
# Copy GPG public key to system clipboard:
gpg --armor --export <KEYID> | xclip -sel clip
# or, if xclip complains about "Error: Can't open display: (null)" just show the contents and copy manually
gpg --armor --export <KEYID>
# Paste into target location
  • Current key ID retrieval:
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
  • Deletion:
# Get current key ID, and then delete the secret key:
gpg --delete-secret-key <KEYID>
# Confirm multiple times
# Delete the public key too:
gpg --delete-keys <KEYID>
  • Password testing:
# Get current key ID, and then try with the key:
echo "Test" | gpg --no-use-agent -o /dev/null --local-user <KEYID> -as - && echo "OK"
  • Key publishing:
# Get current key ID, and upload it to the following key servers:
gpg --keyserver --send-keys <KEYID>
gpg --keyserver --send-keys <KEYID>
gpg --keyserver --send-keys <KEYID>
  • MacOS integration:
# After installing pinentry-mac add the following to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf (validate with "which pinentry-mac"):
pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac
# Then run:
gpgconf --kill gpg-agent



My Linux and Mac stations config files






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