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(We are testing out the system in our testbed 🛠️ Please starred the repo for more updates)

The face recognition module will be re-added soon, fixing some minor bugs :)

Download the Repo

  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • Goto cloned folder (we will do everything in this folder)
cd OpenVINO-Face-Tracking-using-YOLOv8-and-DeepSORT

A. Multi Camera Face Detection and Tracking (MCFDR)

  • Create a conda environment for MCFDR, and activate it
conda create --name mcfdr python=3.8.10 -y
conda activate mcfdr 
  • Install git
sudo apt install git
  • Goto yolo_tracking folder
cd yolo_tracking
  • Install dependencies
# install pytorch (pls dont blindly install, make sure you install the version compatible to your device/os/nvidia version)
pip3 install torch==2.0.0 torchvision==0.15.1 torchaudio==2.0.1 --index-url

# google api for drive upload
pip3 install google-api-python-client==2.111.0
pip3 install gspread==5.12.2
pip3 install oauth2client==4.1.3

# install remaining requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip install gdown==4.6.1

# for onnxruntime-gpu
pip uninstall onnxruntime
pip uninstall onnxruntime-gpu
pip install onnxruntime-gpu --extra-index-url

# disclaimer: please select the appropriate version based on your os/pytorch/onnxruntime/etc...
  • Find physical port(s) of the device which is connected to camera
# find physical port connected to our device
  • List down your video stream source(s) line by line
# inside source.streams
source 1
source 2
source 3
  • Start deploying
# tracking without geofencing
python3 \
--yolo-model ../pretrained_models/face_detection/yolov8_openvino_model \
--reid-model ../pretrained_models/face_recognition/sfnet20_openvino_model \
--tracking-method strongsort \
--source source.streams \
--device 0 \
--half \
--save \

# tracking with geofencing
python3 \
--yolo-model ../pretrained_models/face_detection/yolov8_openvino_model \
--reid-model ../pretrained_models/face_recognition/sfnet20_openvino_model \
--tracking-method strongsort \
--source source.streams \
--device 0 \
--half \
--save \
--save-id-crops \
--roi-xyxys "[0.3,0.0,0.6,0.5]"

# note that --roi-xyxys is/are the geofencing area [x1,y1,x2,y2], normalized to range 0 to 1
# for single video streams  : --roi-xyxys "[x1,y1,x2,y2]"
# for multiple video streams: --roi-xyxys "[x1,y1,x2,y2][x1,y1,x2,y2]..."
Retrain YOLOv8 & OpenSphere

B. Train YOLOv8 Face Detection model -> Convert to OpenVINO

Open In Colab

  • Create a conda environment for YOLOv8, and activate it
conda create --name yolov8 python=3.8.10
conda activate yolov8 
  • Install the dependencies
pip3 install jupyter
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Method 1: Jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook
<click the YOLOv8_Training_for_UFDD.ipynb>
<run the codes step by step>
  • Method 2: Colab

Notice: Please download the latest Jupyter Notebook (YOLOv8 Training for UFDD.ipynb.ipynb) from the provided Colab link.

<click the Colab link above>
<run the codes step by step>

C. Train OpenSphere Face Recognition model -> Convert to OpenVINO

Known Issues

Please check this link


This work was supported by Greatech Integration (M) Sdn Bhd with project number 8084-0008.

Reference Code

  1. Yolov8
  2. OpenSphere Face Recognition
  3. Yolov8 + DeepSort for Object Detection and Tracking
  4. mikel-brostrom's ultralytic, which is used in ref work 3
  5. How to list available cameras OpenCV/Python
  6. How to wget files from Google Drive
  • I recommend to use ultralytics==8.0.146 to train your YOLOv8 model for this repo, since ref work [3] and [4] are modified based this version
  • OpenSphere is used to train Face Recognition model
  • This repo is heavily based on [3], with minor modifications

Difference between my module and reference code

  1. Main difference between my yolo_tracking module and the original is: yolo_tracking/boxmot/trackers/strongsort/sort/, where mine will perform cosine distance with id bank before assinging ID

  2. Instead of using pip install ultralytics from the original repo, I use my modified ultralytics which is placed in: yolo_tracking/ultralytics. My version is based on ref work [4], where I modified ultralytics/ultralytics/data/ to solve this issue

Cite this repository

  author={Wong, Yi Jie and Huang Lee, Kian and Tham, Mau-Luen and Kwan, Ban-Hoe},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT)}, 
  title={Multi-Camera Face Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Environment}, 


Multi Camera Face Detection and Recognition with Tracking







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