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API Keys

z0mbieparade edited this page Oct 18, 2019 · 9 revisions

Currently, comes with a handful of plugins, and these are the APIs they use. Here's where to get them:

Goodreads - You will need an API key and secret. (Book commands)

Imgur - You will need to have an imgur account, and then scroll down on this page to where it say Register an Application. client_id is the key, client_secret is the secret.

Last.FM - You will need an API key and a secret. You can enter an app_name here too, otherwise it defaults to b0t. (Music/Artist commands)

Merriam-Webster - You will need to set up an account and then request a dictionary key. (!d command)

NutritionX - (n command) You will need an api and app_id key here.

TheMovieDB - (Movie commands for getting which movies are in theaters) You will need an API key.

Trakt.TV - You will need an api key here. The docs should have a link for creating your key. (TV/Movie commands)

Untappd - takes a couple of weeks to approve your api_key and secret. (Beer commands)

Weather - (Required for Weather/Forecast, however uses location info for users to set times for other things such as !seen) Unfortunately Wunderground has clamped down on their API usage for non-paying customers. Eventually this will be replaced with something else.

WolframAlpha - You can get a free appID from here (Required for !wr command)

Youtube - The youtube API is a bit fiddly, you have to have a gmail account first off. Create credentials, for an API key and then you have to grant access for your server IP your bot is running on. (Needed !yt, also useful for !movie/!show in trakt commands if no trailer is attached to media info.)

Next: Starting the b0t

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