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z0mbieparade edited this page Jan 8, 2017 · 8 revisions

If plugin has colors: true, then command_str will be formatted. check the commands list to see which plugins accept colors.

&b &bold 
&i &italic
&u &underline
&r &reset

colors can use color id, or any of the array values below

&0 &white
&11 &cyan &aqua

0:  ['white'],
1:  ['black'],
2:  ['navy', 'darkblue'],
3:  ['green', 'darkgreen', 'forest'],
4:  ['red'],
5:  ['brown', 'maroon', 'darkred'],
6:  ['purple', 'violet'],
7:  ['olive', 'orange'],
8:  ['yellow'],
9:  ['lightgreen', 'lime'],
10: ['teal'],
11: ['cyan', 'aqua'],
12: ['blue', 'royal'],
13: ['pink', 'lightpurple', 'fuchsia'],
14: ['gray', 'grey'],
15: ['lightgray', 'lightgrey', 'silver']

typing: &lime>green text here

returns: \u00039>green text here

displays: >green text here (in green in irc window)

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