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z0mbieparade edited this page Oct 18, 2019 · 18 revisions

The first time you start your b0t ($ node b0t.js) if there is no config.json in your main b0t folder, it will attempt to create one by asking you a few basic questions. Technically, this is all you really need to do to configure and start your b0t, it should work from there out.

However, if you want to fiddle with all the settings, you can continue on below:

In the b0t folder, you should see config/default_config.js. This file has all the default bot configuration, DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! You can copy any of these settings over to your config.json file, but they need to be in the correct format. (JSON, ie: bot_nick: "b0t" becomes "bot_nick: "b0t")

Go thru your new config.json file, line by line and make sure you have everything entered correctly. All the setting explanations are in the config/default_config.js file.

Channel Specific Config

In the chan_config folder, there is an example file called config_#example.json. Don't modify this file, but if you want to set up channel specific settings, this is a good starting point. Copy it and rename it to config_#yourchannelname.json. (you can use any of the settings under chan_default above, when the bot starts it loads configs in this order and overrides the settings:

config/default_config.js -> config.json -> chan_config/config_#chan.json

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