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Modifying Commands

z0mbieparade edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 6 revisions

If you wish to disable or change the permissions on a command without modifying the plugins themselves (which makes it a bit difficult to update the b0t in the future) you edit your chan_default/cmd_override in your config.json (or to do channel specific changes, change chan_config/config_#chan.json and add a cmd_override section.)

"cmd_override": {
    "wp": "+",
    "bug": "disabled",
    "request": "disabled"

If you wish to modify any of the default command responses, other bot responses, command permissions, or manually disabled commands, you can modify them in plugins/plugin-folder/cmds.js. Keep in mind if you break this file, your bot will be sad. Things might explode. Also, if you go to update the b0t in the future, git might throw a bit of a hissy fit.

The cmds variable is for each of the bot commands. If a command set requires an API, it's listed under that API section in the main config.json file. If you do not enter a required API, that section of commands is disabled automatically.

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