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z0mbieparade edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 8 revisions

Errors during install

If you run into errors durring the install try running these commands, otherwise skip this section.

npm update -g
run npm cache clear

And then run install again.

npm install

Not joining channel

  • If your bot isn't joining the channel on startup, check to make sure it's on the server by messaging it: "/msg b0t test" and see if it responds. If you get an error that that nick doesn't exist, it's not on the server.
  • Enable debugging in your config to see if you have connection errors. "bot_config" -> "debug": true, "showErrors": true
  • Restart your b0t, and run it with node b0t.js, instead of with PM2 or Forever.

Other things to try:

  • Update your node install, and run the above again.
  • Verify your config.json has all the correct settings in it, especially if you were running an older version of b0t.
  • Check your log file under logs/* for errors
  • In your config file you can enable these settings to get more info: "debug_level": "DEBUG" (set ALL, as a last resort, this will flood your log files), "bot_config" -> "debug": true, "showErrors": true

Issues with specific commands

  • Check your cmd_override.json file to make sure a permission is set correctly, and commands are disabled.
  • Make sure that if the command requires an API key you have that set in your config.json file.

If all else fails

  • Submit a Issue request, and I'll eventually get around to it.