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Sondre Eikanger Kvalø edited this page May 3, 2018 · 1 revision
  • version 1.0.0: Updated some build plugins and added initial support for Flyway. Otherwise equal to v. 1.0-RC1
  • version 1.0-RC1: Fixed issue #8. InitializationPlugins will now be provided with a connection that will not be closed before the end of the test execution. Thanks to @victornoel
  • version 0.9: improved logging as per request by @Gaibhne. Also updated H2 and SLF4J dependencies
  • version 0.8: updated Mockito and ByteBuddy as suggested by @victornoel. Using an explicit name when the rule is invoked as a method-based @Rule will issue a warning. Thx to @victornoel for valuable input
  • version 0.7: merged pull request #3 which created by @tmszdmsk allowing the developer to specify a schema for Liquibase. Thx!
  • version 0.6: created InitializationPlugin API with the first implementation being the LiquibaseInitializer
  • version 0.5: created builder method withInitialSqlFromResource that allows the initial SQL to be read from file
  • version 0.4: created method getConnectionJdbcUrl that returns a filtered JDBC URL (for tools requiring a JDBC URL)
  • version 0.3: updated all dependencies as well as some changes to the internal implementation
  • version 0.2: added datasource() for getting an embedded DataSource and suppressing close() call to the connection
  • version 0.1: first release
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