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Code for our paper "Model-less Is the Best Model: Generating Pure Code Implementations to Replace On-Device DL Models" that has been accepted by ISSTA'24


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Code for the papper "Model-less Is the Best Model: Generating Pure Code Implementations to Replace On-Device DL Models" that accepted by ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA ’24).


Recent studies show that on-device deployed deep learning (DL) models, such as those of Tensor Flow Lite (TFLite), can be easily extracted from real-world applications and devices by attackers to generate many kinds of adversarial and other attacks. Although securing deployed on-device DL models has gained increasing at- tention, no existing methods can fully prevent these attacks. Tradi- tional software protection techniques have been widely explored. If on-device models can be implemented using pure code, such as C++, it will open the possibility of reusing existing robust soft- ware protection techniques. However, due to the complexity of DL models, there is no automatic method that can translate DL models to pure code. To fill this gap, we propose a novel method, CustomDLCoder, to automatically extract on-device DL model infor- mation and synthesize a customized executable program for a wide range of DL models. CustomDLCoder first parses the DL model, extracts its backend computing units, configures the computing units to a graph, and then generates customized code to implement and deploy the ML solution without explicit model representation. The synthesized program hides model information for DL deploy- ment environments since it does not need to retain explicit model representation, preventing many attacks on the DL model. In ad- dition, it improves ML performance because the customized code removes model parsing and preprocessing steps and only retains the data computing process. Our experimental results show that CustomDLCoder improves model security by disabling on-device model sniffing. Compared with the original on-device platform (i.e., TFLite), our method can accelerate model inference by 21.0% and 24.3% on x86-64 and ARM64 platforms, respectively. Most impor- tantly, it can significantly reduce memory consumption by 68.8% and 36.0% on x86-64 and ARM64 platforms, respectively.

Note that this is a prototype tool, it does not support some operators or data types. It also does not support some optimizations of TFLite (e.g., XNNPACK for ARM&x86).

Download the code:

git clone
cd CustomDLCoder

Build the dependency:

To create the conda environment:

conda env create -f code402.yaml
conda activate code402

Install the Flatbuffer:

conda install -c conda-forge flatbuffers

(if no npm) install the npm:

sudo apt-get install npm

Install the jsonrepair (

npm install -g jsonrepair

Download the source code of the TensorFlow. Here we test our tool on v2.9.1.


Unzip the file:

unzip v2.9.1

(optional) Build TensorFlow python package from the source

In this part, we can build TensorFlow python package from the source. If we use the pre-build TF version, the extracted c code cannot perform the same as the pre-build TF version because the extracted c code is compiled by your own machine. It will cause inevitable convertion errors if you want to compare our tool with the pre-build TF python library. Note that before this step, you need to have a valid GCC environment in your environment.

Download the Bazel:

chmod +x bazelisk-linux-amd64
sudo mv bazelisk-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/bazel

You can test the Bazel:

which bazel

It should return:

# in ubuntu

Configure the build:

cp ./build_files/ ./tensorflow-2.9.1/
cd tensorflow-2.9.1/

You can use the default setting (just type Return/Enter for every option). Then build the TensorFlow python package from the source. Note that you can mofify the maximal number of jobs in the '' script.

cd ..

We rebuild the TF python package because the TFLite-cmake and our CustomDLCoder are compiled on your machine, rebuilding TF can help us to remove the error caused by compilation process and test different methods smoothly. If you have any problems in build TF from the source, please see: .

Copy the cmake script to the TFLite source project:

cp -r ./build_files/coder ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/
cp -r ./build_files/minimal ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/
cp ./build_files/tflite_source/* ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/kernels/

Run CustomDLCoder

(1) In our paper, we compare our method with the original tflite cmake project (more details about tflite cmake: Note that to compare our method with baseline, we disable some optimizations because our method may not support them (we didn't do a comprehensive test). So you can compile the baseline:

cp -r ./build_files/minimal ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/
cd minimal_x86_build/ && rm -rf * &&cd ..
cd minimal_x86_build && cmake ../tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/minimal -DTFLITE_ENABLE_XNNPACK=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_MMAP=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_RUY=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_NNAPI=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_GPU=OFF
cmake --build . -j && cd ..

Then, test our method on SqueezeNet model. You can also change the test model (e.g., set '--model_name=fruit' to use the fruit.tflite model in the 'tflite_model' folder). All models are compatible with the baseline (the provided tflite cmake project).

python --model_name=squeezenet --free_unused_data

If you want to maintain the intermediate data, you can unset the "--free_unused_data" (it will speed up the inference and saving the memory if it is True):

python --model_name=squeezenet

The generated code can be found in ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/coder. The compiled shared library is in ./coder_x86_build/ We use the shared library as the output becasue it is easy to be tested by Python Code.

(2) For teting our method on GPT-2, you need to first download the model through OneDrive ( The source model is collected from Hugginface (

Next, remove the exist cache files, copy the model to the './tflite_model' folder, and modify the tflite cmake file (the gpt2.tflite has different input type):

cd minimal_x86_build/ && rm -rf * &&cd ..
rm ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/minimal/
mv ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/minimal/ ./tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/minimal/
cd minimal_x86_build && cmake ../tensorflow-2.9.1/tensorflow/lite/examples/minimal -DTFLITE_ENABLE_XNNPACK=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_MMAP=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_RUY=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_NNAPI=OFF -DTFLITE_ENABLE_GPU=OFF
cmake --build . -j && cd ..

Next, run:

python --model_name=gpt2 --free_unused_data

Note that testing on GPT2 needs a machine with large RAM (RAM size smaller than 64 Gb may cause termination of compilation).


Code for our paper "Model-less Is the Best Model: Generating Pure Code Implementations to Replace On-Device DL Models" that has been accepted by ISSTA'24








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