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Milvus High Availability (HA) Solution

Environment settings

Two servers and one shared storage device.

Master server:

Backup server:

Install Milvus

Install Milvus on the master and backup server. The db folder must direct to the shared storage device.

Refer to install Milvus0.11.0.

After installation, launch the Milvus server on the master server and stop the Milvus server on the backup server.

Install and configure keepalived

Check master/backup IP



Configure system network settings

Enter the following command in the master and backup servers.

# vim /etc/sysctl.conf

Remove # before net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 and add net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 after net.ipv4.ip_forward=1. Save and quit Vim.

Use the following command to implement the config file.

# sysctl -p

Install keepalived and related dependencies

Install keepalived and dependencies on the master and backup servers.

# apt-get install libssl-dev openssl libpopt-dev
# apt-get install keepalived

Configure keepalived

Configure keepalived for the master and backup servers. Use the following command to create a config file to configure the virtual router address:

# vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

In the master server, configure the keepalived.conf as follows:

! Configuration File for keepalived
global_defs {
  router_id sol01 # Router ID for the master server

vrrp_script chk_milvus {
       script "/etc/keepalived/"   # Check whether the Milvus on the master is running correctly
       interval 2
       weight -20

vrrp_instance VI_SERVER {
  state MASTER               # Server mode
  interface enp7s0             # Instance of network card monitoring for the master server
  virtual_router_id 51       # The master and backup must have the same VRRP group name.
  priority 110               # Priority (1-254). The master server must have higher priority than the backup server. You can specify 90 for the backup server.
  authentication {           # The master and backup must have the same authentication information.
    auth_type PASS
    auth_pass 1111
  virtual_ipaddress {        # Virtual IP address. The master and backup must have the same virtual IP address.         # Subnet mask
  track_script {

In the backup server, configure the keepalived.conf as follows:

! Configuration File for keepalived
global_defs {
  router_id sol02 # Router ID for the backup server

vrrp_instance VI_SERVER {
  state BACKUP               # Server mode
  interface enp3s0             # Instance of network card monitoring for the backup server.
  virtual_router_id 51       # The master and backup must have the same VRRP group name.
  priority 91               # Priority (1-254). The master server must have higher priority than the backup server. You can specify 90 for the backup server.
  authentication {           # The master and backup must have the same authentication information.
    auth_type PASS
    auth_pass 1111
  virtual_ipaddress {        # Virtual IP address. The master and backup must have the same virtual IP address.         # Subnet mask

  notify_master "/etc/keepalived/ master"
  notify_backup "/etc/keepalived/ backup"

Create in /etc/keepalived of the master server to check whether the Milvus server runs correctly. Use the following code for

RUNNING_STATUS=$(docker inspect --format '{{.State.Running}}' <docker id>)
if [[ "${RUNNING_STATUS}" != "true" ]];then
    exit 1
# <docker id>specifies the milvus server docker id of the master server

Create and in /etc/keepalived of the backup server. starts the Milvus server of the backup server when the master server stops and directs the virtual IP to the backup server. stop server stops the Milvus server of the backup server when the master server starts working.

Use the following code for

RUNNING_STATUS=$(docker inspect --format '{{.State.Running}}' <docker id>)
if [[ "${RUNNING_STATUS}" != "true" ]];then
docker start <docker id>

<docker id> specifies the milvus server docker id of the backup server.

Use the following code for

RUNNING_STATUS=$(docker inspect --format '{{.State.Running}}' <docker id>)
if [[ "${RUNNING_STATUS}" = "true" ]];then
docker start <docker id>

<docker id> specifies the milvus server docker id of the backup server.

Note: You must add execute permission to the previously created scripts.

chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x

Launch keepalived for the master and backup machines

service keepalived start
# Check the status of keepalived
service keepalived status

Check keepalived logs

# cat /var/log/syslog | grep Keepalived | tail


After completing the previous steps, enter ip a in the master server. You can see that the virtual IP address is displayed in the master server.


Then you can use the client to connect to Milvus server via to create a table and insert/query vectors.

Shutdown the master server or stop the Milvus server in the master server and enter ip a again, you can see that the virtual IP address has been removed from the master server.


Enter ip a in the backup and you can see that the virtual IP address is transferred to the backup server.


Enter docker ps and you can see that docker in the backup server is running. The Milvus server that connects to the client via has been transferred to the backup server. Because the master server and the backup server share a storage device, the Milvus data is synchronized. In this solution, when the master server is down, the server connection can be recovered in seconds.

After recovering the Milvus server in the master server, the virtual IP address is transferred to the master server, which connects to the client. The Milvus server in the backup server is stopped automatically.