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Rémy HUBSCHER edited this page Oct 24, 2016 · 6 revisions

Sign-off before collection signature

People of the reviewer group can change the collection status to to-sign to trigger a kinto-signer signature of the collection.

Today anyone with write permission on the collection can do it.

What we want is to make sure only of the reviewer group can do it and that the editor who asked for the review cannot sign-off for their own changes.

Collection status flow

The collection status can take 4 values: signed, work-in-progress, to-review, to-sign

Collection flow

  • Only the kinto-signer can set the status to signed
  • Anyone who can update or create records in the collection will automatically set the collection status to work-in-progress
  • Anyone is the editor group can turn the status to: to-review
  • Only people in the reviewer group can turn the status to: to-sign

Note that one who turned the status in to-review cannot then turn it in to-sign mode even if this one is both in the editors and the reviewers groups.

Technical flow

  • When something happens in the collection records and the collection status is signed, kinto-signer will automatically turn it to work-in-progress.
  • When someone try to turn the status in to-review kinto-signer will only allow it if it was in work-in-progress and if the user is in the editors group. It will also update the asked_for_review property of the collection to the user ID that asked for the review.
  • When one try to turn the status in to-sign kinto-signer will only allow it if it was in to-review status, if one is in the reviewers group and if the asked_for_review property is not one's user ID.
  • When kinto-signer receive a valid to-sign status it will update the public collection with the signature and turn the status to signed