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User groups and roles

Charlie McVicker edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 2 revisions


Different people use the DAILP site and have different needs and permissions. The DAILP software distinguishes users based on Groups that they belong to. A user can be part of any number of groups.

List of groups and summary

  • Contributors: Users with the Contributors group have access to features like recording word-for-word audio (see: User Contributed Audio). Normally, changes proposed by contributors do not directly affect the experience of other users immediately.
  • Editors: Users with the Editors group are responsible for selecting which proposed changes are brought into the main DAILP site for all other users. This might include deciding which pronunciations of a word are shown to non-authenticated readers of the site.


While a user may belong to any number of groups, sometimes it is easier to imagine a user as having one and only one Role on the site. The three roles the DAILP thinks about are:

  • Readers who are not signed in, or who have made an account but are not part of any groups
  • Editors people who are part of the Editors group, regardless any other groups they are part of
  • Contributors people who are not in the Editors group, but are in the Contributors group

At the time of writing (April 2024), Roles are becoming less commonly used to designed workflows, and group membership is being used instead.