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OO Amazon Challenge

Design an Amazon Store using Object Oriented JavaScript. What classes can you create? and How are they related?


Begin by brainstorming the classes you could create for your Amazon Store. For this activity, strive for 2 - 4 classes. For example, you cound have a User class, a Cart class, an Item class, etc. Create class diagrams in order to plan out your design.

Object Relationships

Next, think about how your objects will iteract with each other. For example, a User has a Cart (and only one cart), but a Cart can have many Items. Illustrate these relationships by putting them as properties (attributes) of your classes.

Properties and Methods

Finish your class diagrams by adding additional properties and methods to each of your classes. You should strive for 2 - 5 properties per class and 1 - 3 methods per class. Once your class diagrams are approved by an instructor, you can begin the implementataion.


You can fork this repo and clone the forked repo to your AWS environment. Create each class constructor first and test your code as you write it. Think about what initial values your constructor will have. After you've finished and tested your constructors, add your methods one at a time, testing each method immediately as you're writing it.