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Java implementation of a basic Chip-8 emulator.

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MochaChip is an emulator/interpreter for the CHIP-8 interpreted language written in Java 17.

CHIP-8 was created in the 1970s to be run on hobbyist 8-bit microcomputers like the COSMAC VIP. It features a relatively small and easy-to-use instruction set. Original CHIP-8 programs are limited to 4096 bytes, with the first 512 bytes reserved for the interpreter - many extensions to CHIP-8 over the years would greatly extend this limit, as well as add new instructions to the interpreter.

Writing a CHIP-8 interpreter is often said to be a great way to get familiarized with emulator development and understanding low-level computer science concepts. That was my goal here. If you're getting started with programming, consider writing your own by getting familiar with CHIP-8's architecture (see resources below). It's best to not view anyone else's code until you've tried to get things working yourself.

Releases and Usage

Download the latest release, extract the archive, and run the MochaChip JAR file. Requires Java version 17.



  • Various code refactorings
  • Compatibility improvements - fixed bug instruction implementations. Should be working with nearly all original CHIP-8 programs
  • Added a debugger menu to the GUI. Displays a map of the loaded CHIP-8 memory. Displays a realtime monitor of every register and the stack as values are changed. Shows a pre-fetched list of all instructions found in the CHIP-8 program. Currently running instructions are highlighted yellow. Step mode allows pausing the program and stepping through each instruction one cycle at a time. Breakpoints TBD
  • Implemented pause and stop emulation menu options


  • Initial release

Why Java?

Mostly just because I like Java, though it may not be the best choice as I've come to learn - read more about that below. Regardless, Java offers a lot in terms of very easy to use GUI libraries like Swing. CHIP-8 is an incredibly simple interpreter to emulate, so there's not a lot of overhead or performance concerns (also, Java's reputation for poor performance is largely undeserved). Drawing CHIP-8's output to the screen is done entirely in Swing by essentially painting rectangles for each pixel.

Current features

  • MochaChip can load any .ch8 file through the GUI. Any CHIP-8 program that makes use of an extension like SUPER-CHIP or xochip will not work (yet).

  • The viewport can be resized by selecting a scale factor in the display menu. The original CHIP-8 is restricted to just one foreground and one background color (monochrome black and white). You select a different color theme from the display menu that may be easier on the eyes.

  • The old COSMAC VIPs supported a 16 digit hexadecimal keyboard. The modern convention for emulating this is to interpret the top-left side of a QWERTY keyboard to correspond to these hex digits, starting at 1 on the keyboard at the top left and V on the bottom-right.

HEX keypad to QWERTY layout

Current bugs

  • MochaChip can run most(-ish) original CHIP-8 programs. I've found quite a few that do not run yet, likely due to how I'm implementing some instructions and working with some of Java's quirks. You will find some of the more complex CHIP-8 programs will not run or produce unexpected behavior. Feel free to open an issue if you want to point anything out.

  • Pausing/resuming emulation does not yet behave as expected.

  • The settings menu is a work in progress.

  • Audio beep not yet implemented

Planned things

  • Fullscreen support
  • CRT shaders??
  • Compatibility for CHIP-8 extensions like SUPER-CHIP and XO-CHIP
  • Configurable keybinds with a per-game adjustment
  • Suite of debug tools

CHIP-8 Resources

Want to know more about CHIP-8, or are you writing an emulator of your own? Here's a ton of helpful links.

Personal tidbits, techical deatails, and advice for other Java emulator developers

As of writing, I've only been working on this project for a week or so. Thanks to this incredibly well-written guide by Tobias V. Langhoff, I've made a lot of progress in a short time. Langhoff's guide offers no code snippets and challenges you to implement logic yourself based on CHIP-8's criteria. A big takeaway I got from this is - it literally does not matter which programming language you choose to use for a project like this. I've seen a lot of posts on Reddit, mochachip.Stack Overflow and the like by beginners over the years who struggle with choosing a language for whatever project they want to work on. The more time you spend debating on which tools to use is less time you have to write code. This goes beyond the scope of writing a simple interpreter. I feel that modern machines have become fast enough to the point where you don't have to worry THAT much about performance and overhead. Pick what you're familiar with and what you enjoy using. For me right now, it's Java. If you're writing a 3D renderer from scratch or targeting mobile devices or web browsers, there's a little more room to debate which tools to use.

That being said, let's talk about Java and working with small numbers like bytes. This is long and wordy but my hope is that it helps someone out who may discover this repo looking for solutions when debugging their own CHIP-8 emulator.

Java is not C, and - oddly enough - it does not support unsigned data types at all. In other words, a Java primitive byte has a signed range of -128 to 127. This is a problem for this project, because CHIP-8 handles all its operations using unsigned byte values (0-255). So if I'm decoding a CHIP-8 instruction that adds a value of 2 to register V5 which holds a value of 255, we expect the result to be 1, because exceeding that signed byte limit of 255 wraps the result back to 0 and adds up from there. This is the expected behavior. In Java, that register (V5) would not hold 255 to begin with. Signed data uses two's complement to represent negative values in more modern systems. If we look at the value 255 in binary (11111111), the most significant bit (or the leftmost bit) is 1, signaling that this is a negative number. To determine the value of the other 7 bits, we flip all bits (convert 1s to 0s and vice versa), giving us 00000000. Then add 1 to the result for 00000001, or decimal 1. We know this number is negative as indicated by our original most significant bit, so we interpret it as -1. In other words, 255 in CHIP-8 is -1 in Java.

You can imagine how this creates problems when we try to emulate CHIP-8 instructions. Not only that, but any time math is performed on primitive bytes, Java will upcast those values to 16-bit integers first. For someone like me who knew very little about binary and hexadecimal going into this, it became very confusing when I saw that my outputs were nothing like what I expected them to be.

The solution to this problem is bitmasking. Any time I want to perform math on my registers, which I know always hold 8-bit unsigned values, I need to make absolutely sure that I know what Java is doing to these values and that I store an 8-bit unsigned value back into my register.

For example, say you are emulating CHIP-8's ADD instruction and you have a simple function like this:

public void addByte(int x, int nn){


where int 'x' is the specific register you are adding byte value 'nn' to. For safety, we cannot simply say

x += nn

and leave it at that. CHIP-8 doesn't really care if this operation overflows the register (sends it back to zero and counts up if the range is exceeded). In fact, we want this behavior. That wouldn't happen here anyway because we are using ints that have a limit far beyond what a byte does. We're using ints as parameters because, as I said, Java will convert a byte to an int behind the scenes anyway when we do math. We're simply going to convert everything back to 8-bit unsigned values before storing them back into the register 'x'. We do it like this:

public void addByte(int x, int nn){
    int vx = registers.variableRegisters[x] & 0xFF;
    int val = nn & 0xFF;
    int result = (vx + val) & 0xFF;
    registers.variableRegisters[x] = (byte)result;

Let me explain this line-by-line.

    int vx = registers.variableRegisters[x] & 0xFF;

Create a new int 'vx' to store the value that is currently held in register x. I have my registers in a class separate from the mochachip.CPU and access them like this. We do a logical AND with the hex value 0xFF or 11111111 in binary. This is called bitmasking, or extracting only the bits you want from a number. In our case, we don't really know for sure what is hiding in register 'x'. I know that my registers are a byte[] array, but I don't necessarily know that Java hasn't put negative numbers in there at some point. By doing a logical AND with 0xFF, we tell Java to just give us back 8 raw bits from the register and that we aren't interested in two's complement and reading the most significant bit as a positive/negative switch.

    int val = nn & 0xFF

We do the exact same thing to 'nn', which a value given to us by the CHIP-8 programmer. Again, we don't know what sort of value we're getting, so for safety, we restrict it to an unsigned 8-bits by masking with 0xFF.

    int result = (vx + val) & 0xFF;

Add the two values, while again restricting them to 1 byte unsigned.

    registers.variableRegisters[x] = (byte)result;

Now that we know our result is in the range we want, we can cast it down to a byte and put it back into the register ' x'. Note that we don't need to and should not refer to memory addresses or register/array indices with bitmasked unsigned values.

Believe me when I tell you it took me entirely too long to understand this important quirk of Java and why I was seeing strange and incorrect outputs from my code. Follow this bitmasking rule whenever you are specifically expecting 8-bit, unsigned values from any operation. You can write a function to unsign a value if you want, but I find just adding & 0xFF where I need to is just as well.