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Shortier... another original name 😅

Node.js CI

Shortier is a basic URL shortener API that shortens your URLs and tracks hits analytics.

The project is written with TypeScript and can be deployed with docker-compose along with MySQL where the generated URLs (table: short_urls) and analytics (table: stats) are stored.

Getting Started

Run the application with docker-compose

docker-compose up
# or using make with extra logs
make docker

Edit: APP_PORT to change the exposed port in the local machine.

NOTE: .env.docker is used for declaring the environment variables within compose.

Run the application locally with npm

npm install
npm run start
# or with nodemon
npm install
npm run dev

Edit: /src/utils/config.ts to the proper local configuration.

NOTE: This requires a local running mysql instance.


Three endpoints have been exposed.

Shorten a URL

POST /shorten

    "url": ""

Success Response 201
    "code": "vBAElVywy",
    "shortUrl": "://.../vBAElVywy"
Bad Request 400

Visit a shortened URL

GET /:code

Success Response: -> Redirect to original URL
Not Found 404
GET /:code: in local development use IPv4 on browser GET

View stats for a shortened URL

GET /:code/stats

Success Response 200
    "code": "vBAElVywy",
    "shortUrl": "://.../vBAElVywy",
    "originalUrl": "",
    "hits": 123
Not Found 404

Application Structure

The codebase is located under the /src directory:

├── /controllers    # Handles the logic between a request and storage.
├── /models         # Sequalize models (typesctipt-sequalize).
├── /routes         # Maps logic from controllers to a route.
├── /services       # Common services and handler functions.
├── /utils          # Sequalize config & other shared configs.
├── app.ts          # Setup express to expose routes.
└── server.ts       # Startup server.

The root directory has all the necessary NodeJS files along with tsconfig.json, Dockerfile & docker-compose.yml and a Makefile.

Other dev packages configuration:

strong-error-handler error handler middleware for cleaner codebase:

// app.ts

    debug: !isProduction(),
    log: isProduction(),

husky, a package for pre-commit hooks, is installed upon npm prepare:

// package.json

"scripts": {
    "prepare": "husky install"
creates folder ./.husky/_ with the requires shell script.

the node scripts triggered on pre-commit can be found here ./.husky/pre-commit

#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

npm run format && npm run lint

rimraf for cleaning folders before build:

// package.json

"scripts": {
    "build": "rimraf ./dist && tsc",
