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Github Repository Canvas Group Number: 2

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These instructions are for bash shells on macOS or most Unix-like operating systems. To install this make a directory for the project and clone the git repo.

mkdir canja
cd canja
git clone ""

Then you'll want to create a virtual environment, activate the virtual environment, then download the dependencies.

python3.5 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Change to the dev branch to make any changes.

git checkout dev

To test the application run the make file.

make test

Installing PostgreSQL

These are for macOS instructions using Homebrew

brew install postgresql

Then check if it is installed with:

postgres --version

Next use brew to start the database:

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start && brew services start postgresql

To stop the psql service use:

brew services stop postgresql

If you're having trouble starting PostgreSQL then try these commands:

psql -d template1

If you log into the template1 database, then you have PostgreSQL intalled and running.

psql -h localhost

If you are getting an error about not having a postgres role and used brew to install it, then try:

/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/10.0/bin/createuser -s postgres

To create a database use:


If it runs and you got no errors then make sure it added it to the database called postgres:

\c postgres
select * from book;

You should get a table of values.


Checking for code coverage is important to know what part of the app has not been tested yet.

coverage run ./
coverage report -m ./*.py > coverage.txt

The -m flag is going to show us the lines that have not been tested in the So you can open the coverage.txt to see what lines need unit tests.