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@biggus-developerus biggus-developerus released this 20 Nov 10:12
· 188 commits to master since this release


This version introduces some new changes, most of which don't affect the users but the API internally.

New context methods:

  • Context.reply(packet: Packet) -> bool

    The Context.reply method is used to send a packet to a peer. This method simply allows for easy access (you wouldn't have to go on about accessing the player attr yourself like context.player(or client).send(packet)).

New context classes:

  • ClientContext
  • ServerContext

The ClientContext is used by clients (Client, GameClient, ProxyClient, etc.) This is to simply avoid confusion that may happen when handling client events.

The ServerContext is used by servers (Server, LoginServer, ProxyServer, etc.) This is to simply avoid confusion that may happen when handling server events.

The ClientContext and ServerContext classes use the Context class as base for some shared attributes (packet, enet_event, etc.)

Removed stuff

  • Host class

    The Host class was meant to handle some base stuff, like the servicing bit, and then it was meant to call a method that a child class would have implemented to handle the incoming packet. This idea is still valid and will be implemented in the near future.

    Things that have changed

  • Different packet base for specific packet types

A packet's base is now specific to its contents. Meaning that if the packet contains text it'd use the class StrPacket as base instead of the original Packet class. This is to allow users to create string packets easily.

Before, this wasn't possible as the Packet class only took in bytes/bytearrays (since I made it so that you'd only provide the data arg if you're deserialising.)


The old way is still possible, though both GameMessagePacket and TextPacket have their text value in the attribute text unlike before, where GameMessagePacket had it in the attribute game_message

game_message_packet = GameMessagePacket()
game_message_packet.text = "action|log\nmsg|hi!"
  • Game update packet initialisation

Users are now able to instantiate a GameUpdatePacket object with specific fields by passing them as kwargs.

GameUpdatePacket(update_type=GameUpdatePacketType.CALL_FUNCTION, variant_list=VariantList("OnConsoleMessage", "Hello!"))

The old way of setting those fields is still possible.

packet = GameUpdatePacket()
packet.update_type = GameUpdatePacketType.CALL_FUNCTION
packet.set_variant_list(VariantList("OnConsoleMessage", "Hello!"))
  • Deserialising packets
    In order to deserialise a packet (bytes -> object) you'd use the new classmethod from_bytes for all packet types.
    E.g the server sends a game message packet with text "action|log\nmsg|hi!\n", you'd deserialise it like the following:
packet = GameMessagePacket.from_bytes(b"\x03\x00\x00\x00action|log\nmsg|hi!\n")

# The packet's now deserialised and you may view its contents through a couple of new attributes:

print(packet.action, packet.argument["msg"]) # log, hi!

You can no longer pass bytes to any packet's initialiser.

  • New attributes

2 new attributes were added to the GameMessagePacket and TextPacket classes (since their base changed to StrPacket, the classes inherited those new attributes.)

  • action ~ set when a packet contains action|<action>
  • arguments ~ set when a packet contains the above with arguments action|<action>\n<arg_name>|<arg_value>

You may also use those attributes when sending a StrPacket (TextPacket/GameMessagePacket).

log_action_packet = GameMessagePacket()
log_action_packet.action = "log"
log_action_packet.arguments["msg"] = "hello!"

print(log_action_packet.serialise()) # b'\x03\x00\x00\x00action|log\nmsg|hello!\n'

# You can now set kvps and have them serialised too! (you may use this for the login packet, though you can already use PlayerLoginInfo for that.)

random_kvp_test_packet = TextPacket()
random_kvp_test_packet.kvps["key1"] = "value1"
random_kvp_test_packet.kvps["key2"] = "value2"
random_kvp_test_packet.kvps["key3"] = "value3"

print(random_kvp_test_packet.serialise()) # b'\x02\x00\x00\x00key1|value1\nkey2|value2\nkey3|value3\n'