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Documentation꞉ 3. Plugins

Daniel Chýlek edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 13 revisions

TweetDuck comes with an extensive plugin support, including several official plugins for people who want extra functionality in TweetDuck.

This page contains information about the Plugins window and details about the official plugins. If you're looking to create a plugin, start with the Plugins: 1. The basics page.

Official Plugins

Emoji keyboard

Adds a heart button in the New Tweet panel, which opens an emoji picker. You can search for emoji, and change the skin tone modifier for emoji that support it. Click an emoji icon to insert it at the cursor position.

When typing into the search bar, press Enter to insert the first found emoji into your tweet, and press Escape to close the emoji keyboard.

You can also type :emoji_name: in the New Tweet panel, which automatically searches for an emoji using those keywords. If a single emoji is found, it will be inserted into the tweet (press Backspace or Escape to revert it). If multiple emojis are found, it will open the emoji picker where you can refine the search, or press Escape to go back.

Typing :emoji_name: is also possible inside replies and DMs without opening the New Tweet panel, as long as the emoji name is unambiguous.

Edit layout & design

Adds lots of additional visual TweetDeck customization. You can access the options via Settings -> Edit layout & design, including default TweetDeck settings such as theme, font size, and column width.

The following items can be configured:

  • Theme
    • Light / Dark
  • Font size
    • Multiple presets & custom size
    • Tweak font size in quoted tweets and input boxes
  • Column width
    • Fixed width, including custom width
    • Dynamic width to show a set amount of columns on the screen
  • Avatar shape
    • 4 levels between a square and a circle
  • Reverting to old design
    • Tweet actions are hidden by default, and can be moved to the right side
    • Option to revert the icon design
    • Various color design improvements


Adds a templating system to make tweeting easier. Click Manage templates in the New Tweet drawer to open a dialog where you can edit and use templates. Click New Template to open the template editor.

After creating a template, it will show up in the list and you can click the pencil icon to edit, cross icon to delete, or click its name to apply the template. If you hold Shift when applying a template, it will be added to the end of the tweet contents; otherwise, the tweet contents are replaced.

Templates also support tokens, which are special keywords that allow setting the cursor position and selection after applying the template, or loading text from a website (for example a public API). List of tokens can be viewed under the Advanced button when creating/editing a template.

Polls in timelines

Displays poll results directly in timelines and quoted tweets until TweetDeck adds support for it. Expand a tweet with a poll to vote.

Clear columns

Adds a quick way to clear and restore columns. Each column has a droplet icon that clears that column when clicked, or restores it when clicked while holding Shift. The left side menu has a Clear columns button that works the same way, but applies to all columns at once.

The plugin also adds keyboard shortcuts:

  • [1-9] + Del
    • Clears a single column
  • [1-9] + Shift + Del
    • Restores a single column
  • Alt + Del
    • Clears all columns
  • Alt + Shift + Del
    • Restores all columns

Custom reply account

Allows customizing which account is automatically selected when replying to tweets. This plugin has a configuration file where you can use a preset, or create a JavaScript function that returns which account to use based on the column where the reply was triggered.

The available presets are:

  • #preferred for the preferred TweetDeck account (the one used to log into TweetDeck)
  • #last for the account that was selected last time
  • #default for default TweetDeck behavior
  • @myAccount for an exact account handle

Managing Plugins

To view the Plugins window, right-click anywhere and select Plugins. The opened window has a list of all available plugins and information about them, including a color-coded bar to easily distinguish between official and custom plugins.

Installing a Plugin

When you download an unofficial plugin, it should come as an archive with a single folder in it. To install it, click Open Plugin Folder, and extract the archive contents into it (for example, if the archive is called and contains a folder called plugin, copy that folder into the plugin folder). Finally, click Reload All to refresh plugins and reload TweetDeck. New plugins will be automatically enabled.

Plugins are divided into official and custom. Clicking Open Plugin Folder opens the custom folder, which is intended for unofficial plugins. Please, do not install any plugins into the official folder, as they will get wiped whenever you update TweetDuck.

Please, be careful about installing random plugins, as they may contain malicious code. TweetDuck does its best to protect your computer, but remember that plugins can act on behalf of your linked Twitter accounts. If you want to check whether a plugin is safe, create a new issue with a link to the plugin and I will take a look.

Configuring Plugins

Each plugin in the list has an Enable or Disable button. Some plugins may reload TweetDeck when enabled or disabled. Disabled plugins are always listed on the bottom.

Some plugins also have a Configure button. Clicking it will open the plugin's data folder, where you can open the configuration file in a text editor. These configuration files contain a JavaScript object, so at least basic knowledge of JavaScript may be required.