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spotify Redesign app [using spotify build in api ]

in the spotify developer profile

the main foucs is to how to collect data from api and redesign this app .

TechStack Used In this Project

Note play back features works on only premium membership

  1. Next JS
  2. Tailwind Css
  3. Recoil [Global State management]
  4. Debounce [for request to Api after certail period time]
  5. Next JS _middleware next js 12 features
  6. NextAuth for authentication
  7. Spotify APi

Click This Link To Try Demo

Here is the login Page:


Home page

After login to the spotify ,go to the home page

MarineGEO circle logo

Mobile view Responsive


Click This Link To Try Demo

  • Note : to control the music playback required premium user of Spotify.
  • This app is control used via Remote ,so before you have to run the main spotify app them reload the this app.