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If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding mpesa_elixir to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:mpesa_elixir, "~> 0.1.0"}

Ensure the application added to mix.ex so that it can be started with the application supervisor

def application do
  [applications: [:mpesa_elixir]]

After adding the above to mix.exs install the download the dependencies.

mix deps.get
iex -S mix


Configure the application, you can add the production credentials to prod.exs and then sandbox credentials to dev.exs.

library configuration

config :mpesa_elixir,
  api_url: "",
  consumer_key: "",
  consumer_secret: "",
  pass_key: "",
  confirmation_url: "",
  validation_url: "",
  short_code: "",
  b2c_initiator_name: "",
  b2c_short_code: "",
  response_type: "Cancelled",
  certificate_path: "./lib/mpesa_elixir/keys/sandbox_cert.cer",
  initiator_name: "apiop39",
  b2c_queue_time_out_url: "",
  b2c_result_url: "",
  b2b_queue_time_out_url: "",
  b2b_result_url: "",
  balance_queue_time_out_url: "",
  balance_result_url: "",
  status_queue_time_out_url: "",
  status_result_url: "",
  reversal_queue_time_out_url: "",
  reversal_result_url: "",
  stk_call_back_url: ""

For the certificate_path you can provide your own production certificate.


C2B functionality

First you need to register your confirmation_url and validation_url urls.

iex> MpesaElixir.C2b.register_callbacks()

Now you can simulate the transaction for testing in case you are using sandbox msisdn : should be of the following format 254 ... amount : eg 200 unique_reference : This will be returned to the callback

iex> MpesaElixir.C2b.simulate(msisdn, amount, unique_reference)

B2C functionality

Learn about the needed parameters here.

MpesaElixir.B2b.payment_request(command_id, amount, sender_identifier, partyb,reciever_identifier_type, remarks, account_reference)

STK push

For this you will need to use these functions.

To request money via push stk

iex> MpesaElixir.StkPush.processrequest(phone_number, pass_key, amount,account_reference, transaction_desc)

To Query for stk push

iex> MpesaElixir.StkPush.query(checkout_requestId)

Reversal Transaction

To reverse a transaction, use this function.

iex> MpesaElixir.Transaction.reverse(transaction_id, amount, receiver_party, reciever_identifier_type, remarks, occasion \\ nil)

Transaction Status

Transaction Status API checks the status of a B2B, B2C and C2B APIs transactions.

iex> MpesaElixir.Transaction.status(transaction_id, identifier_type, remarks, occasion \\ nil)

To learn the response from the MPESA servers I suggest reading the documentation extensively.

TODO: Add tools to simplify how to deal with callbacks