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How to publish a new version of the Kontent CLI

Ondřej Chrastina edited this page May 25, 2021 · 1 revision

This page is primarily for the maintainers of this repository.

To publish the new version of @kentico/kontent-cli npm package follow these steps:

  1. Increase version in package.json (used for tracking header too)
  2. Create a pull request with the change
    • If you need to add new packages to the npm bundle - list them in .npmignore file (with ! prefix)
  3. After the pull request is merged into the master branch Create a new GitHub release
    • Use the semver version number as is set in the package.json file "tag version" and "release title" - see existing releases
  4. After the successful release a new GitHub actions publish-to-npm is run and the new version is published automatically to npm

If you have any problem, please contact the code owners of this repository.

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