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DESTINY 2 Activity Finder

Projeto feito para jogadores de Destiny 2 combinarem atividades online em qualquer plataforma

Feito em cima do modelo do djavue2 (

1. Dev-env, super-easy mode (docker all things)

Step by step

source  # import useful bash functions
devhelp  # like this one ;)
dkbuild  # builds the docker image for this project. The first time Will take a while.
dknpminstall  # I'll explain later!
dkup  # Brings up everything

With dkup running, open another terminal

dk bash  # starts bash inside "destiny_project" container
./ migrate  # create database tables and stuff
./ createsuperuser  # creates an application user in the database

2. Dev-env, normal-easy mode (dockerize nginx + postgres)

dkpgnginx  # Starts postgres and nginx inside docker

With dkpgnginx running, start another terminal:

mkvirtualenv destiny_project -p python3  # creates a python3 virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt  # install python dependencies inside virtualenv
export DJANGO_DB_PORT=5431  # That's where our dockerized postgres is listening
./ runserver  # starts django on port 8000

Node Setup

Step by step:

nvm use 12  # Switch your terminal for node version 9.x
# no need to npm install anything, we already have our node_modules folder
sudo chmod -R o+rw .nuxt/  # I'll explain this later
npm run dev  # Starts nuxt frontend on port 3000

You can go ahed and point your browser to http://localhost:3000 to see nuxt running with mocked apis

To run nuxt using real APIs just turn set this environment variable API_MOCK=0

API_MOCK=0 npm run dev  # Starts nuxt frontend on port 3000

3. Deploy to production

Rent a linux machine on a cloud somewhere. Let's say you'll be using ubuntu on AWS. Install docker and nginx. Create an empty postgres database destiny_project owned by a user destiny_project.

On your remote machine, create a file ~/destiny_project.env:

DJANGO_DB_PASSWORD=<destiny_project's password>

Have a nginx config serving your domain like:

server {

    location /api {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/api;
    location /admin {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/admin;
    location /static {
        alias /home/ubuntu/dkdata/destiny_project/static;
        add_header Cache-Control public;
        add_header ETag "";
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;

    listen 80;

(Replace "" with your production domain)

On your development environment, edit the HOST_PROD variable on to make it point to your production domain, then run on terminal:


If it works the first time, go have a beer and take the day off :-)