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Build cmft CubeMap tool

Jiajun edited this page Jun 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

There are two versions of cmft tools : CommandLine, GUI.

To build these tools, you need to make sure that Linux make command already installed. make --v can help to check.

If you don't have make command, you have multiple options to install it:

  • wsl
  • mingw
  • chocolate
  • ...

After make, it generated multiple project files but vs2013 is too old. You need to copy ..\CatDogEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\bx\tools\bin\XXX\genie file to cmft repo : ..\cmftStudio\dependency\cmft\dependency\bx\tools\bin\XXX\genie.exe.

Then you need to modify makefile, search "$(GENIE) --file=scripts/main.lua vs2013". Delete all platforms you don't need to add "$(GENIE) --file=scripts/main.lua vs2022" instead.


Generate vs2022 project file and open it to compile: 4>example-commonDebug.lib(nanovg.obj) : error LNK2005: stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb already defined in cmftDebug.lib(stb_image.obj)

Symbol redefined link errors are from stb image lib. To skip it, you can add /FORCE:MULTIPLE in the link option.


Then, it should be OK to compile without errors:
