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A retro gaming collecting web app designed to catalog, create wanted lists, and view detail of games for retro game consoles and handhelds. Uses a node.js backend with EJS frontend along with a Postgres sql database.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Video Game collection tracker

Track your collection, create top-10 lists, Share your wishlist with others, See which games your missing!

What it includes

  • Sequelize user model / migration
  • Settings for PostgreSQL
  • Passport and passport-local for authentication
  • Sessions to keep user logged in between pages
  • Flash messages for errors and successes
  • Passwords that are hashed with BCrypt
  • EJS Templating and EJS Layouts

User Model

Column Name Data Type Notes
id Integer Serial Primary Key, Auto-generated
name String Must be provided
email String Must be unique / used for login
password String Stored as a hash
createdAt Date Auto-generated
updatedAt Date Auto-generated

Users Table

Column Type Nullable Default
id integer not null nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass)
name character varying(255)
email character varying(255)
password character varying(255)
createdAt timestamp with time zone not null
updatedAt timestamp with time zone not null
games_followed integer[]
games_ratings integer[]
platforms_owned integer[]
platforms_wishlist integer[]
platforms_followed integer[]
platforms_ranked integer[]
games_owned jsonb
games_owned_prev jsonb
games_owned_was_updated boolean
unique_games_owned integer
games_wishlist_was_updated boolean
games_wishlist jsonb

Platforms Table

Column Type Nullable Default
id integer not null
abbreviation character varying(255)
alternative_name character varying(255)
category integer
name character varying(255)
summary text
slug character varying(255)
generation integer
platform_logo integer
platform_family integer

Platform Logos Table

Column Type Nullable Default
id integer not null
alpha_channel boolean
animated boolean
checksum character varying(255)
height integer
url character varying(255)
width integer
image_id character varying(255)

Games Table

Column Type Collation Nullable Default
age_ratings integer[]
aggregated_rating double precision
aggregated_rating_count integer
alternative_names integer[]
artworks integer[]
bundles integer[]
category integer
checksum uuid
collection integer
collections integer[]
cover integer
created_at bigint
dlcs integer[]
expanded_games integer[]
expansions integer[]
external_games integer[]
first_release_date bigint
follows integer
forks integer[]
franchise integer
franchises integer[]
game_engines integer[]
game_localizations integer[]
game_modes integer[]
genres integer[]
hypes integer
involved_companies integer[]
keywords integer[]
language_supports integer[]
multiplayer_modes integer[]
name character varying(255)
parent_game integer
platforms integer[]
player_perspectives integer[]
ports integer[]
rating double precision
rating_count integer
release_dates integer[]
remakes integer[]
remasters integer[]
screenshots integer[]
similar_games integer[]
slug character varying(255)
standalone_expansions integer[]
status integer
storyline text
summary text
tags integer[]
themes integer[]
total_rating double precision
total_rating_count integer
updated_at bigint
url character varying(255)
version_parent integer
version_title character varying(255)
videos integer[]
websites integer[]
id integer

Default Routes

Method Path Location Purpose
GET / server.js Home page
GET /auth/login auth.js Login form
GET /auth/signup auth.js Signup form
POST /auth/login auth.js Login user
POST /auth/signup auth.js Creates User
GET /auth/logout auth.js Removes session info
GET /games games.js Gets all Games
GET /games/byId/:gameId games.js Fetches One Game
POST /games/add-to-collection games.js Adds a game to Users Collection
DELETE /games/remove-from-collection games.js Removes a game from Users Collection
POST /games/add-to-wishlist games.js Adds a game to Users Wishlist
POST /games/remove-from-wishlist games.js Removes a game from Users Wishlist
GET /platforms platforms.js Gets all Systems
GET /platforms/:platformId/games platforms.js Fetches all Games for a System
GET /platforms/:platformId platforms.js System Details Page
GET /profile profiles.js Regular User Profile
GET /profile/user profiles.js Get user info
GET /random-quote random-quotes.js Gets Random Quote for Homepage
PUT /profile/edit profiles.js Edit user profile details

1 Fork & Clone Project & Install Dependencies

1 The first thing that we are going to do is fork and clone

2 Now we are going to install the current dependencies that are listed inside of package.json

npm install

3 We have the current packages for authentication. These are the following packages:

  • bcryptjs: A library to help you hash passwords. ( wikipedia )
    • Blowfish has a 64-bit block size and a variable key length from 32 bits up to 448 bits.
  • connect-flash: The flash is an area of the session used for storing messages that will be used to to display to the user. Flash is typically used with redirects.
  • passport: Passport is authentication middleware for Node.js. It is designed to do one thing authenticate requests. There are over 500+ strategies used to authenticate a user; however, we will be using one - passport-local Passport is authentication middleware for Node. It is designed to serve a singular purpose: authenticate requests
  • passport-local: The local authentication strategy authenticates users using a username and password. The strategy requires a verify callback, which accepts these credentials and calls done providing a user. passport-local
  • express-session: Create a session middleware with given options.
  • method-override: Lets you use HTTP verbs such as PUT or DELETE in places where the client doesn't support it.

2 Create Database & Update Sequelize Config

1 Update config.json file with the following:

  "development": {
    "database": "express_auth_dev",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "postgres"
  "test": {
    "database": "express_auth_test",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "postgres"
  "production": {
    "use_env_variable": "DATABASE_URL",
    "dialect": "postgres",
    "dialectOptions": {
        "ssl": {
          "require": true,
          "rejectUnauthorized": false

2 Create database retrograde

sequelize db:create

3 Analyze File Structure

├── config
│   └── config.json
|   └── ppConfig.js
├── controllers
│   └── auth.js
|   └── games.js
|   └── platforms.js
|   └── profiles.js
|   └── random-quotes.js
|-- data
|   └── quotes.json
|-- middleware
|   └── fetchPlatformsFromLocal.js
|   └── isLoggedIn.js
|-- migrations
|   └── ...
├── models
|   └── games.js
│   └── index.js
|   └── platform-logo.js
|   └── platform.js
|   └── user.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── public
│   └── assets
│   └── css
│       └── style.css
|   └── javascript
├── test
|   └── controllers
│       └── auth.test.js
│       └── games.test.js
│       └── platforms.test.js
│       └── profiles.test.js
│       └── random-quotes.js
│   └── index.test.js
│   └── user.test.js
|-- utils
│   └── get-user-games-owned.util.js
│   └── parse-platform-gamename-object into strings.js
│   └── random-number-generator.util.js
│   └── sort-data.util.js
├── views
│   └── auth
│       └── login.ejs
│       └── signup.ejs
│   └── games
│       └── _list.ejs
│       └── details.ejs
│       └── games.ejs
│       └── index.ejs
│   └── partials
│       └── _footer.ejs
│       └── _navbar.ejs
│       └── alerts.ejs
│   └── platforms
│       └── details.ejs
│       └── index.ejs
│   └── profile
│       └── _user-collection.ejs
│       └── profile.ejs
│       └── profile.js
│   └── homepage.ejs
│   └── layout.ejs
│   └── scripts.ejs
│   └── styles.ejs
|-- .env
├── .gitignore
|-- database.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── server.js
  • config.json: Where you need to configure your project to interact with your postgres database.
  • controllers: The folder where all of your controllers ( routes ) will go to control the logic of your app.
  • models: The folder where all the models will be stored that will interact with the database.
  • node_modules: The folder that is generated by npm that stores the source code for all dependencies installed.
  • public: is to have those views that would be publicly accessible in the application. ex. style.css
  • test: The folder where all your test that you make will be stored. ex. auth.test.js
  • views: The folder where all the app's templates will be stored for displaying pages to the user. ex. login.ejs
  • .gitignore: A hidden file that will hide and prevent any files with to NOT get pushed to Github.
  • package-lock.json: is automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json.
  • package.json: The settings file that stores scripts and list of dependencies that are used inside your app.
  • The main markdown file that written to explain the details your app.
  • server.js: The main file that controls the entire application.


A retro gaming collecting web app designed to catalog, create wanted lists, and view detail of games for retro game consoles and handhelds. Uses a node.js backend with EJS frontend along with a Postgres sql database.







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