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OSHWA Action Test Status

A GitHub Action to make a web request to the API of OSHWA. Supports currently only POST to project endpoint.


post project

    types: [published]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: certificate OSHWA project
    - uses: nerdyscout/oshwa-action@main
        token: ${{ secrets.OSHWA_TOKEN }}
        responsiblePartyType: "Individual"
        responsibleParty: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
        bindingParty: ""
        country: ""
        projectName: ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}
        projectWebsite: "https://${{ github.repository_owner }}${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}"
        projectVersion: ${{ github.ref_name }}
      #  previousVersions: ["US000000","US000001"]
        projectDescription: ""
        primaryType: "Electronics"
        documentationUrl: "${{ github.repository }}/docs"
        hardwareLicense: "CERN"
        softwareLicense: "GPL"
        documentationLicense: "CC BY"
        noCommercialRestriction: true
        noDocumentationRestriction: true
        openHardwareComponents: true
        creatorContribution: true
        noUseRestriction: true
        redistributedWork: true
        noSpecificProduct: true
        noComponentRestriction: true
        technologyNeutral: true
        CertificationMarkTerms: {'accurateContactInformation':{},'complianceWithOfficialCertificationGuidelines': {},'oshwaCertificationMark': {},'violationsEnforcement': {},'responsibility': {'term': 'I have the ability to bind those responsible for the certified item to this agreement.','agreement': true}}
        relationship: "self"
        agreementTerms: true
        parentName: ${{ github.repository_owner }}


Parameter Required Defaults Description
url true API URL
token true OSHWA API Key
responsiblePartyType true Responsible party type. Must be either "Individual", "Company", or "Organization".
responsibleParty true $GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER Name of Individual, Company, or Organization Responsible for the Certified Item.
bindingParty true If not an Individual, name of Individual with Authority to Bind the Company or Organization. Required only if responsiblePartyType is not "Individual".
country true
streetAddress1 false
streetAddress2 false
city false
state false
postalCode false
privateContact false
publicContact false
projectName true
projectWebsite false
projectVersion false
previousVersions false An array of OSHWA UIDs
projectDescription false
primaryType true Primary project type.
additionalType false Additional project types.
projectKeywords false Additional searchable keywords
citation false If the project incorporates or builds upon other open projects that are not currently certified by OSHWA, this field can be used to cite those projects.
documentationUrl false URL for project documentation
availableFileFormat false All project documentation and design files are available in the preferred format for making changes.
hardwareLicense true
softwareLicense true
documentationLicense true
noCommercialRestriction true false The project is licensed in a way to allow for modifications and derivative works without commercial restriction.
explanationNcr true "" Explanation is required if noCommercialRestriction is false.
noDocumentationRestriction true false There is no restriction within my control to selling or giving away the project documentation.
explanationNdr true "" Explanation is required if noDocumentationRestriction is false.
openHardwareComponents true false Where possible, I have chosen to use components in my hardware that are openly licensed.
explanationOhwc true "" Explanation is required if openHardwareComponents is false.
creatorContribution true false I understand and comply with the "Creator Contribution requirement," explained in the Requirements for Certification
explanationCcr true "" Explanation is required if creatorContribution is false.
noUseRestriction true false There is no restriction on the use by persons or groups, or by the field of endeavor.
explanationNur true "" Explanation is required if noUseRestriction is false.
redistributedWork true false The rights granted by any license on the project applies to all whom the work is redistributed to.
explanationRwr true "" Explanation is required if redistributedWork is false.
noSpecificProduct true false The rights granted under any license on the project do not depend on the licensed work being part of a specific product.
explanationNsp true "" Explanation is required if noSpecificProduct is false.
noComponentRestriction true false The rights granted under any license on the project do not restrict other hardware or software, for example by
explanationNor true "" Explanation is required if noComponentRestriction is false.
technologyNeutral true false The rights granted under any license on the project are technology neutral.
explanationTn true "" Explanation is required if technologyNeutral is false.
CertificationMarkTerms true Certification Mark Terms
explanationCertificationTerms true "" Explanation for certification mark terms
relationship true "self"
agreementTerms true true Agreement to terms
parentName true Parent name


Output format: JSON

  "status": 200,
  "statusText": "OK",
    "id": "US000001",
    "responsibleParty": "Example Company Name",
    "country": "United States of America",
    "publicContact": "[email protected]",
    "projectName": "My Open Source Project",
    "projectWebsite": "",
    "projectVersion": 1,
    "previousVersions": [ "US000000" ],
    "projectDescription": "Open source project description",
    "primaryType": "Electronics",
    "additionalType": [ "3D Printing" ],
    "projectKeywords": [ "electronics" ],
    "citations": [ [Object] ],
    "documentationUrl": "",
    "hardwareLicense": "Other",
    "softwareLicense": "No software",
    "documentationLicense": "Other",
    "certificationDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM-SS:00"
