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System Design, Solution Architecture, Data Systems Practice

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Data Systems Design and Implementation

(also available in Papers folder)

  • Google, Borg: the next generation (

  • Google File System (

  • ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems (

  • An Empirical Evaluation of Columnar Storage Formats

  • Froid: Optimization of Imperative Programs in a Relational Database (K. Ramachandra, et al., VLDB 2017)

  • Don’t Hold My Data Hostage: A Case for Client Protocol Redesign (M. Raasveldt, et al., VLDB 2017)

  • An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems (S. Chaudhuri, PODS 1998)

  • Dremel: A Decade of Interactive SQL Analysis at Web Scale (S. Melnik, et al., VLDB 2020)

  • Photon: A Fast Query Engine for Lakehouse Systems (A. Behm, et al., SIGMOD 2022)

  • The Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse (B. Dageville, et al., SIGMOD 2016)

  • DuckDB: an Embeddable Analytical Database (M. Raasveldt, et al., SIGMOD 2019)

  • Yellowbrick: An Elastic Data Warehouse on Kubernetes (M. Cusack, et al., CIDR 2024)

  • Amazon Redshift Re-Invented (N. Armenatzoglou, et al., SIGMOD 2022)



  • Table Formats (Iceberg, Hudi, Delta, OneTable, etc.).

  • Features (ACID transaction, Schema Evolution, Upsert, Time Travel, etc.).

  • Tech ( Copy On Write vs Merge On Read, Compaction, Vacuum, OCC (Optimistic Concurrency Control), MVCC (Multiversion Concurrency Control) )




  • Apache Arrow DataFusion: A Fast, Embeddable, Modular Analytic Query Engine (apache/datafusion#6782). Written in Rust, uses Apache Arrow as memory model.

Metadata management, data quality, data veracity, data security, data lineage, etc.



  • [VLDB, Amazon - Automating Large-Scale Data Quality Verification]( It presents the design choices and architecture of a production-grade system for checking data quality at scale, shows the evaluation result on some datasets.

Best Practices

  • too little data quality alerts let important issues go unresolved.

  • too many alerts overwhelms and might make the most important ones go un-noticed.

  • statistical modeling techniques (PCA, etc.) can be used to reduce computation resource for quality checks.

  • separate anomaly detection from anomaly scoring and alerting strategy.

Common Issues

  • issues in metadata category (data availability, data freshness, schema changes, data completeness) → can be obtained without checking dataset content

  • issues in semantic category(dataset content: column value nullability, duplication, distribution, exceptional values, etc.) → needs data profiling


GDPR, CCPA, PII Protection, etc.

Observability, Monitoring



Data Pipelines

Spark and Databricks Compute

Delta Lake

  • [Managing Recalls with Barcode Traceability on the Delta Lake](

  • [Creating a Spark Streaming ETL pipeline with Delta Lake at Gousto](

    • issues and solutions

      • costly Spark op MSCK REPAIR TABLE because it needs to scan table' sub-tree in S3 bucket. → use ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION instead.

      • not caching dataframes for multiple usages. → use cache

      • rewriting all destination table incl. old partitions when having a new partition. → append new partition to destination.

      • architecture (waiting for CI, Airflow triggering, EMR spinning up, job run, working with AWS console for logs) slowing down development. Min feedback loop of 20 minutes. → move away from EMR, adopt a platform allowing to have complete control of clusters and prototyping.

    • Databricks Pros

      • Reducing ETL time, latency from 2 hours to 15s by using streaming job and delta architecture.

      • Spark Structured Streaming Autoloader helps manage infra (setting up bucket noti, SNS and SQS in the background).

      • Notebook helps prototype on/ explore production data, debug with traceback and logs interactively. Then CICD to deploy when code is ready. This helps reduce dev cycle from 20 mins to seconds.

      • Costs remain the same as before Databricks. (using smaller instances with streaming cluster, which compensated for DBx higher costs vs EMR).

      • Reducing complexity in codebase and deployment (no Airflow).

      • Better ops: performance dashboards, Spark UI, reports.

    • Other topics: DBT for data modeling, Redshift, SSOT.

  • [Data Modeling Best Practices & Implementation on a Modern Lakehouse](

