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COVID19 Status Webhook


This is the Webhook service to feed the Dialogflow COVID19 Status Chatbot. Given an input country, it returns the COVID-19 status of that country by making a request to the COVID19 API provided by


The service is deployed at

Host the service locally

$ npm install
$ npm start

Make a POST request

You may make a POST request to the URL: or localhost:3000/webhook (if hosted locally) using Postman.

Sample request body:

    "queryResult": {
        "parameters": {
            "country": "singapore"

Sample response:

    "fulfillmentMessages": [
            "text": {
                "text": [
                    "Country: Singapore \r\n\nCases: 62,493 \r\nToday Cases: 0 \r\n\nDeaths: 35 \r\nToday Deaths: 0 \r\n\nRecovered: 62,140 \r\nToday Recovered: 0 \r\n\nActive: 318 \r\nCritical: 4 \r\nTests: 13,287,834 \r\n\nUpdated Time: Jun 25, 2021, 11:34:46 AM GMT+8"

Chatbot Demo

You can have a try with the COVID19 Status Chatbot on Telegram at

The bot is able to return the COVID19 status globally as well as for most countries. Because the webhook is deployed on a free dyno, it will sleep after a half hour of inactivity. Hence, if you do not receive any reply after a chat, please try one more time.

Chatbot Demo